A great and thought provoking show from Children’s Health Defence – a must one hour watch – all the way to the joy of unvaxxed parents who can shed the guilt they feel from trying to do the best for their kids – because they believed the “faux science” of big pharma and corrupt regulators.
Like a fool, my daughter got her first set of vaccines, and that was the last! She screamed and cried for 6 months straight! I was two steps from the nut farm. I didn’t have the knowledge and resources I have today or I may have put this together faster. Yet, once I came to the conclusion that it was the vaccine, I never went back. I did have to get, shall we say creative so she could play sports, but it worked and she thrived!
There is no such thing and never has been a safe vaccine!
This is nothing more than a Big Harma business model for new and upcoming repeat customers. And they are not the only bastards out there, Big Food is owned lock stock and barrel by.....Big Tobacco! Imagine that? Gee what could possibly go wrong here! But, don’t take my word on it, do the research, it’s mind blowing.
We all know how addicting cigarettes are, now think about food. Ever open a fresh bag of Lays potato chips and eat just one? This goes for all the deadly junk food out there. It’s loaded with tons of flavor enhancers to keep you feasting at the trough, until you can only wear spandex. These enhancers come from aborted fetal cell lines, and Big Harma petrochemicals. They know exactly what they are doing.
Look around you today, we are the biggest,fattest and unhealthiest nation in the world!
The bottom line here is God gave us absolutely everything we need to stay healthy and cure anything that ails us. It all comes from real, organic one ingredient foods! Pure clean purified water, sunlight, clean air, excerise.
Ever see anyone eating plates of Grassfed and finished ribeye steaks? Me either, just half of one and I’m a happy camper. This is how are bodies are designed, to eat real food. Once we get back to this and practice it daily, cutting out all the crap foods, then and only then we can put all of these sons of bitches out of business for good! This is why Nutrition is Not taught in medical schools, it crushes the Big Harma and Big Foods profits!
I say we get some delicious sweet and tasty revenge, support your local organic farmers and ranchers, eat well all while flipping them off.
A healthy body needs nothing and has an immune system to fight off anything that comes it way, it’s now time to unlearn all the bullshit that’s been spoon fed to the public for decades and just say NO, to harmacuiticles, any type of injections and GMO anything!
It took me ten years of intense research to realises that no vaccine is effective for good health, and no vaccine is safe. It is a blatant lie that vaccines have ever saved a life, never mind millions. Pure poppycock. In fact, if you check the stats, since the first modern vaccine programme in 1934, that was the first year autism was recognised. Autism has increased in incidence ever since, in exact proportion to the number of vaccines; from 1 in 10,000 in 1980, to 1 in 34 today.
The fabled reduction in disease incidence was due to 1880s serwerage schemes, drinking water resevoirs, slum removals, enhanced hygiene, improved nutrition, penicillin, the invention of antibiotics, food referegeration and transport, better roads, and so on. This knowledge was the core of public health exams sat by people-intense public servants up until 1965. I passed those exams twice, so I know it off by heart.
Agree absolutely. We need to learn how to live with bacteria. But parasites are a different class. It now seems that cancer too, is caused by a cell parasite and what cures it is Ivermectin. That is why it was banned because turbo-charged cancers are to be the primary factor responsible of so-called mRNA deaths, so well predicted by Deagel. Most jab deaths will be in the next 18 months if we do not win WWIII and get Ivermectin globally available. But, not to worry, I have a plan.
For the most part, we already know how to live with bacteria. It's part of our microbiome. So other than eating healthy, avoiding toxins (of all kind), excercising and sleeping well, there isn't much else to do to stay healthy.
And yes, parasites are posing a different challenge.
It's so great to see this issue gain traction, thanks.
Remember also that these injuries to kids are essentially mandated in almost every country in the world. No maiming your kids as part of the cult, then no school.
In Australia it's also no daycare, no visiting grandma in the nursing home, and principals can send just the unvaxxed kids home if they feel like it.
How about SIDS?
Sudden infant death sindrome.
Has anyone looked at the SIDS numbers for vaxxed vs unvaxxed children?
I bet you'd find something interesting there..
C'mon Guys ...
The People That Thought
That Taking The Vaccine
Was A Good Idea
- Couldn't Be Responsible For Their Own Health.
Given What We Know Of Them
How Could They Be ?
Like a fool, my daughter got her first set of vaccines, and that was the last! She screamed and cried for 6 months straight! I was two steps from the nut farm. I didn’t have the knowledge and resources I have today or I may have put this together faster. Yet, once I came to the conclusion that it was the vaccine, I never went back. I did have to get, shall we say creative so she could play sports, but it worked and she thrived!
There is no such thing and never has been a safe vaccine!
This is nothing more than a Big Harma business model for new and upcoming repeat customers. And they are not the only bastards out there, Big Food is owned lock stock and barrel by.....Big Tobacco! Imagine that? Gee what could possibly go wrong here! But, don’t take my word on it, do the research, it’s mind blowing.
We all know how addicting cigarettes are, now think about food. Ever open a fresh bag of Lays potato chips and eat just one? This goes for all the deadly junk food out there. It’s loaded with tons of flavor enhancers to keep you feasting at the trough, until you can only wear spandex. These enhancers come from aborted fetal cell lines, and Big Harma petrochemicals. They know exactly what they are doing.
Look around you today, we are the biggest,fattest and unhealthiest nation in the world!
The bottom line here is God gave us absolutely everything we need to stay healthy and cure anything that ails us. It all comes from real, organic one ingredient foods! Pure clean purified water, sunlight, clean air, excerise.
Ever see anyone eating plates of Grassfed and finished ribeye steaks? Me either, just half of one and I’m a happy camper. This is how are bodies are designed, to eat real food. Once we get back to this and practice it daily, cutting out all the crap foods, then and only then we can put all of these sons of bitches out of business for good! This is why Nutrition is Not taught in medical schools, it crushes the Big Harma and Big Foods profits!
I say we get some delicious sweet and tasty revenge, support your local organic farmers and ranchers, eat well all while flipping them off.
A healthy body needs nothing and has an immune system to fight off anything that comes it way, it’s now time to unlearn all the bullshit that’s been spoon fed to the public for decades and just say NO, to harmacuiticles, any type of injections and GMO anything!
It took me ten years of intense research to realises that no vaccine is effective for good health, and no vaccine is safe. It is a blatant lie that vaccines have ever saved a life, never mind millions. Pure poppycock. In fact, if you check the stats, since the first modern vaccine programme in 1934, that was the first year autism was recognised. Autism has increased in incidence ever since, in exact proportion to the number of vaccines; from 1 in 10,000 in 1980, to 1 in 34 today.
The fabled reduction in disease incidence was due to 1880s serwerage schemes, drinking water resevoirs, slum removals, enhanced hygiene, improved nutrition, penicillin, the invention of antibiotics, food referegeration and transport, better roads, and so on. This knowledge was the core of public health exams sat by people-intense public servants up until 1965. I passed those exams twice, so I know it off by heart.
No vaccine in history has ever had ANY benefit whatsoever.
It's because you cannot vaccinate against non-existent 'viruses', and the bacteria is not pathogenic and transmissible by nature.
In a nutshell, the germ theory is pure nonsense.
Agree absolutely. We need to learn how to live with bacteria. But parasites are a different class. It now seems that cancer too, is caused by a cell parasite and what cures it is Ivermectin. That is why it was banned because turbo-charged cancers are to be the primary factor responsible of so-called mRNA deaths, so well predicted by Deagel. Most jab deaths will be in the next 18 months if we do not win WWIII and get Ivermectin globally available. But, not to worry, I have a plan.
For the most part, we already know how to live with bacteria. It's part of our microbiome. So other than eating healthy, avoiding toxins (of all kind), excercising and sleeping well, there isn't much else to do to stay healthy.
And yes, parasites are posing a different challenge.
That's my take too. Bill Gates hope to complicate this for us.
Thanks PH. The harms inflicted on innocent babies & infants are diabolical & unforgiveable.
No vaccine in history has ever had ANY benefit whatsoever.
It's because you cannot vaccinate against non-existent 'viruses', and the bacteria is not pathogenic and transmissible by nature.
The germ theory is pure nonsense.
It's so great to see this issue gain traction, thanks.
Remember also that these injuries to kids are essentially mandated in almost every country in the world. No maiming your kids as part of the cult, then no school.
In Australia it's also no daycare, no visiting grandma in the nursing home, and principals can send just the unvaxxed kids home if they feel like it.
This is my take on it too.
They are not using an ounce of prevention, just making sure they will have patients, they don't even care when they die, just the patients please.