Thanks PH. Laughter indeed good medicine.

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Anyone like Viktor Borge? Another is Jack Benny, Bob Newhart.

Sometimes Carol Burnett. Lot of talent around. In Canada,

we may have a budding comedian who impersonated our

beloved(not) PM and does it well. On YouTube, John Julian

(Stetch) is getting serious pushback, so hoping he manages.

Regarding all the heavy stuff, I quote Bill Maher 'Let it go.'.

Learning that will be something.

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Croc tears of a reptilian. David Icke is proven correct. The likes of biden, trudeau, aoc et al have no compassion whatsoever and it is revealed often.

Absurd humour grows like garden weeds, and you’ve exposed its truth. Laughingly!

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Good grief! Is that why the dinasaurs died out aound our village. Nobody has seen one in living memory. I suppose we had better keep our cars in town. But this does explain our 15 minute village. It's to save the dinasaurs! God bless you, Ms Hanson-Young. Please send me a Chatreuse "Save the Dinasaurs" T-shirt. Please find ten shillings enclosed.

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