Fauci will continue to spout his lies until the demand for Nuremberg trials and executions is overwhelming. He is responsible for the murders if millions. He and his partners in mass murder mist be tried

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One thing you can count on ....Biden and his gang of unethical anti-Democracy fascists...their science is not true science....it is political science...which is a fraud...so anything goes and the truth is never out there for theirs is never the truth.

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Are The New

Pride In Mental Illness



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In times gone by, the cretinous, the corrupt and the immoral would be sure to make an appearance at Church every Sunday morning, which served to reassure the naive and the gullible that they weren't really cretinous, corrupt and immoral.

With that Kabuki-theatre backstop gone - showing false piety and virtue had to be replaced by something.

Masks were the new visible-fake morality substitute.

(A sign saying ->GOOD PERSON would've been just too obvious).

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No one in the world has ever been more right.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Cross posted.

Utterly insane. The Greens need to be institutionalized where people cannot be harmed by their stupidity.

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

In 1976, a professor of economic history, Carlo M. Chipola, published an essay on the laws of stupidity. The article “The five universal laws of human stupidity” gives an overview.

Law 1: Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.

"No matter how many idiots you suspect yourself surrounded by, Cipolla wrote, you are invariably lowballing the total".

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Survival of the smartest?

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Another, sort off topic issue, but related in that it refers to Cochrane and where they are headed in the future:


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Fauci always uses vague, imprecise and indistinct, terms WITHOUT any reference to ANY studies, EVER!

STIP LISTENING TO HIM. He’s a total fraud

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I've had enough of that evil little dwarf.

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