Likely incoming socialist UK Prime Minster says he will hold a debate on State assisted suicide
From here:
Starmer promises assisted dying vote (
“Sir Keir Starmer has promised to give MPs a vote on legalising assisted dying if Labour wins the next general election. The Labour leader said he would hold a vote in the next parliament, opening the door to the law being changed before the end of the decade.”
The debate will, hopefully. also consider whether State prescribed medical treatments caused the loss of life quality leadig to the requirement for a decision on suicide!
The 2022 data from Canada shows that one in 30 deaths (13,000) are State assisted.
Medically assisted deaths rising in Canada | CityNews Vancouver
It will be interesting to see how many MAUD executions were “performed” in 2023, now that we are halfway through March 2024. You would think this would be available in “real time” including stages – from “consultation” to injected with 20 minutes to go” to “successfully suicided”.
Personally, I can see the point for those in pain, with no quality of life or possibility of recovery or cure. If it were me, and there was no chance of psycho killer doctors or nurses administering the “solution”, I would be grateful for it. Maybe third opinions amongst doctors practising remotely from each other would be overkill (sic), but that would help!
Canada has gone much further and wants it extended to mentally weak or depressed kids and adults, which I think is abhorrent.
Those countries that offer Government or have legalized privately assisted. suicide presumably have rules about “suicide tourism”. Similarly, there is no market as yet for qualified “flying doctors” who can act as hooded executioners.
Mayve the debate will end up with the State paying for final treatment in Holland r Switzerland or Cananda or wherever.
The stigma of State murder with Midazolam plus morphine in the UK with State imposed “Do not resuscitate” orders leave the UK medics reputations shot to pieces for determining eligibility.
Still, socialists in the UK love the idea of “cradle to grave” control over all aspects of life and death, including its duration. Such is the Cult of Moloch.
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That is nearly as revolting as Rishi Sunak paying for a tax cut by removing the benefits from the million or so people he just disabled using the nanoparticle bioweapon he heavily invested in. You just couldn't make this shit up!
From the Delta Hospice Society- just a little background here. The hospice proper was shut down because they refused to kill their patients. Apparently having a place that offered palliative care but didn't murder people was too offensive to Trudeau. Or something.
Not in favour of 'government assisted dying'.