Oh dear.

While I appreciate it is difficult for people and their families dealing with progressive teminal illnesses causing poor life quality and distress and which we would not allow an animal to suffer, this is too slippery a slope to set out on. For WAY too many reasons.

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What a coincidence! Officially sanctioned government and NHS murder by 2030. The magical year, it seems.

Wonder how many people will still be around to participate, since directed ‘therapies’ combined with shedding from same have affected most of us anyway.

Those who are understandably depressed by the loss of loved ones from the ‘safe and effective’ lie will be prime targets I guess. That’ll take out a goodly number.

There’s been a change to the coding of diagnoses used by MDs and GPs: anyone who hasn’t taken the poisons can now be labelled as mentally ill.

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From the Delta Hospice Society- just a little background here. The hospice proper was shut down because they refused to kill their patients. Apparently having a place that offered palliative care but didn't murder people was too offensive to Trudeau. Or something.

Not in favour of 'government assisted dying'.


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So, thee government forced the vax on people for their own good, to save lives, but will assist people who want to die.


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Do not open that door.

Canada has now approved euthanasia for a healthy 27yo woman with autism. No terminal diagnosis.

The Quebec Physicians College wants to legalize it for minors.

Federal government has delayed, but is still planning to institute, killing people with mental health issues. (Who's diagnosing that?)

Just like abortion, it was never about "safe, legal, and rare." It's about exterminating people.


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That is nearly as revolting as Rishi Sunak paying for a tax cut by removing the benefits from the million or so people he just disabled using the nanoparticle bioweapon he heavily invested in. You just couldn't make this shit up!

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