What a shit post. LOL! This post reminds me of the burn pits during the Korean and Vietnam wars. They were burning their waste and it produced toxins in the air. Many got sick and they're still sick. Some of this is covered under the PACT Act that was recently passed into law.

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Just wait til it hits the wind turbies!

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..how about the fat bergs clogging up the sewage systems, they must have huge amounts of energy.

Great post Peter.

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Thanks! I tske it you won't be changing the colour of your name?

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Oh, the green is just the green, green grass of home which I turn into food via the self replicating bioreactors called cows and sheep :) Their poo and pee goes straight back onto the green grass to make more of the same. Closed loop, self perpetuating, no spare for 'green' energy from my fields.

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No bad odour about this post. Hilarious. Will think of it next time I see an Olympic-size swimming pool…

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One small poop for man or woamn... !!!

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Has to be from Uranus!

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You left out the Humanure Handbook-- it's classic bathroom reading!

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