Thanks PH.

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Comedic mockery works well. Walk away, too. Engaging with insanity is insanity.

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Pro Tip:

Mock Them.

That Is The Second Rule

In Beating Them.

The First Rule Being

Never Make Allowances For Them.


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My body and my health are sovereign. At no time will I ever take the advice or follow any mandate put forth by the gubment. Since when does a gubment bureaucrat know what’s best for me? Hmmm like never! This whole covid circus /Democide was easy to see thru, yet for the deeply brainwashed TV zombies, not so much.

Since when we’re you ever offered incentives for vaccines? Hmmm again, never.

The biggest mistake ever made was allowing the gubment where it never belonged, in our healthcare. So, because of fear and the bold faced lies that they will keep you safe along with serious bribes, blackmail and a few pieces of silver our rights have been removed.

It is not the job of the gubment to be involved with your health, never was, until folks wanted free stuff.

So here we are being picked off one by one because folks think the gubment has their best interests at heart. And they know better, hmmm really? I don’t think so!

It’s high time people wake the hell up and start taking responsibility for themselves!

Momma always said there is so such thing as a free lunch, and boi she wasn’t kidding.

Today’s free lunch is what I’d call killer, literally.

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I've Come To The Conclusion

Ex Post Facto

That The Vaccinated People

Are Exactly The People

That I Would Have Wanted To Take It.


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"The meek shall inherit the Earth" has become "The meek will be poisoned".

I have relatives that took the poison, because they were told that by their governments and "experts".

Are the meek guilty or just meek?

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You Need An Ideology.

To Fight An Ideology.

Work It.


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Just how can Government that is populated with so many who are entirely ignorant of medical processes and treatments think they have the right to control a doctor that has his best interests at heart. or until he has paid the bill anyway. To be sure they dont want us to die prematurely. Government has everything to gain. mostly with the aging people that has paid into social security all their lives and now present no drain upon the system. The same with Medicare and Medicaid. With mandatory mandates that provide billions to big pharmaceutical companies they insure the funds coming into the political coffers. All done with the panic from threats of dieing that drive the people to demand that Gov. doo something. At this point gov. offers a solution that will take just a small slice of our rights. Citizens in their panic of the fake crisis roll up their sleeves to get their shot. Reminds me of the Jews that lined up to get showers. And as usual when people were not protected we get governments standard response of we need more time. and it was granted, and yet again, until people saw the fallacy and resisted. The resistance was prosecuted because we have a right to their opinion. The deaths mount. has anyone being held accountable? well yes Doctors are being forced to comply with government. How? because government holds their licensing that may be revoked without reason. and yet the doctors must prove governments intent was wrong. So we see government has expanded its control under the guise of keeping citizens safe. the concept is sound it is the use and its misuse that does the harm. I think we need to assume that all politicians are corrupt until proven otherwise. perhaps they could put an explosive collar around their necks. enough citizens dialing the complaint number would activate it. ----------- I, Grampa

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