Hey Peter - please check my rough numbers for the USA:

In the US, 958,658,535 doses have been distributed so far, with 69% or 670,306,507 of the doses used.

Rancourt: ~0.1% of 670.3 million is 670,000 estimated total vaxx-caused-deaths in the USA.

MacRae: 0.0896% OF 670.3 million is 600,000 estimated total vaxx-caused-deaths in the USA.

Total of all USA Armed Forces killed or missing in World War II: 407,316

The Covid-19 toxic "vaccines" have now killed ~50% more Americans than all the USA soldiers killed or missing in World War 2.

But these are not numbers; they were real people, who "loved and were loved". And I called the Covid-19 scam correctly almost three years ago on 21Mar2020 and I was correct and I tried to stop it, and yet The Cull continued unabated...

My kinsman wrote of the carnage over 100 years ago during WW1: "loved and were loved..."

"The War to End All Wars didn't, and then we had WW2, and here we are again...

Nuremberg 2.0!

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Hi Allan,

I have checked the arithmetic – I don’t think stating 600,600 instead of 600,588 Is a big issue, though going to 4 places of decimals in percentage terms implies it is!

The numbers check out. As a sense check, using the (infamous?) Under Reporting Factor of 40 and applying to US only VAERS deaths of 16,824 – around 673,000 is derived.

As an aside, 620,000 died in the 1861-1865 American Civil War.

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Thank you Peter.


"The toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" have now killed ~650,000 Americans, ~50% more than all the U.S. Armed Forces killed or missing in World War II, and about as many Americans as were killed on both sides in the U.S. Civil War. If we continue as-is, and do not act to properly treat the vaxx-injured, total estimated U.S. vaxx-caused deaths will exceed ~1 million by end2023."


My detailed analysis of Covid-vaxx-caused deaths totals about 10,000 Albertans to date, and that death toll is growing greater every day.

My detailed analysis of Covid-vaxx-caused deaths totals about 100,000 Canadians to date, and that death toll will accelerate during this winter flu season.

My calculated total global Covid-vaxx-caused deaths, confirmed by another independent analysis (below), is 13 million worldwide to the end of 2022, and it's far from over.

We should assume that everyone who is Covid-10-vaxxed is vaxx-injured, some more, some less. It may be just a matter of time for many of them…

I am trying to make inexpensive, voluntary, over-the-counter “ivermectin plus” packages widely available for treatment of the Covid illness and the vaxx-injured.

This “Ivermectin plus” treatment will save Millions of Lives


I presented 26Jan2023 to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) “Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee”

There were two conversations – the vaxx-injured want the toxic-and-ineffective Covid-19 vaxxes stopped now; the drug companies and the FDA Committee seemed utterly deaf to those concerns and just want to peddle more ineffective-and-toxic vaccines. Big Pharma owns the FDA.

I nailed the Covid-19 fraud and published my conclusions starting 3 years ago, 21Mar2020.

See CorrectPredictions.ca

Regards, Allan MacRae


Here are my FDA slides (augmented).


Allan MacRae, Calgary



January 26, 2023

Docket No. FDA-2022-N-1608


Sept2019 – Took my annual flu shot (for the last time).

Jan 2020 - Studied Covid-19 full-time for 3 years since Jan2020.

29Jan2020 - Cancelled my 4Feb flight to Thailand via China due to early news of Covid-19.

Feb2020 – Identified the Covid-19 “pandemic” as a scam based on credible foreign data.

20Mar2020 – Learned that our Alberta hospitals were EMPTY and decided to publish. The feared "tsunami of Covid patients" never arrived.

21Mar2020 - Published that the Lockdowns were not justified and would be net harmful. No rational, informed person disputes that fact now.

4Oct2020 – Six months later world experts published identical conclusions in their Great Barrington Declaration.

8Jan2021 – Advised my governments to NOT release the dangerous, toxic Covid-19 injections. (My e-friend Dr Reid Sheftall reviewed before sending.) No rational, informed person disputes that fact now.

The most credible senior physicians want to end these toxic injections.


Data showed the virus was only fatal to the very elderly and infirm – not younger people. The full-population lockdowns were never justified.

No significant “Excess Deaths” in Alberta or Canada in the 12 months ending 1Jul2020. Our doctors practiced early treatment. No Excess Deaths means no serious pandemic.

Hype was identical to the Climate (CAGW - Catastrophic Manmade Global Warming) scam.

CAGW scam was proved false in 1990 (Kuo et al, Nature), 2008 (MacRae) & 2013 (Humlum et al) – CO2 changes LAG temperature changes. "The future cannot cause the past."

The same “usual suspects“ promoted both the Climate and Covid scams and linked them. "To solve Covid must also solve Climate. Woke Nonsense!

More Scams: PCR tests over-run to push false positives; Ivermectin was banned, a criminal act; “Vaccines” caused the variants (Darwin); etc.

Both the Covid-19 Lockdowns and “Vaccines” were ineffective, hugely harmful and too often fatal.


Stop ALL Covid-19 injections immediately; DO NO MORE HARM!

Make available the best medical treatment to reduce harm to the vaxxed;


Reinstate and compensate the un-vaxxed who were dismissed from their employment.

Reinstate those who were persecuted because they spoke out against the Covid-19 fraud.

Nuremberg 2.0!

My FDA audio presentation of 26Jan2023 starts here:


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Note to Peter and All.


[Twitter length]

The toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" have now killed ~650,000 Americans, ~50% more than all the U.S. Armed Forces killed or missing in World War II. If we continue as-is, and do not act to treat the vaxx-injured, total estimated U.S. vaxx-caused deaths will exceed ~1 million by end2023.

The toxic Covid-19 "vaccines" have now killed ~98,000 Canadians, more than two times all the Canadian Armed Forces killed in World War II. If we continue as-is, and do not act to treat the vaxx-injured, total estimated Canadian vaxx-caused deaths will exceed ~140,000 by end2023.

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You are welcome.

On a sad note, it may very well be that we look back on 650,000 dead after a year of partial and a year of fully "vaccinated" people as the start - in another two years it may be tens of millions for the US alone.

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My detailed analysis of Covid-vaxx-caused deaths totals about 10,000 Albertans to date, and that death toll is growing greater every day.

My detailed analysis of Covid-vaxx-caused deaths totals about 100,000 Canadians to date, and that death toll will accelerate during this winter flu season.

My calculated total global Covid-vaxx-caused deaths, confirmed by another independent analysis (below), is 13 million worldwide to the end of 2022, and it's far from over.

We should assume that everyone who is Covid-10-vaxxed is vaxx-injured, some more, some less. It may be just a matter of time for many of them…

I am trying to make inexpensive, voluntary, over-the-counter “ivermectin plus” packages widely available for treatment of the Covid illness and the vaxx-injured.

This “Ivermectin plus” treatment will save Millions of Lives


Age-stratified COVID-19 vaccine-dose fatality rate for Israel and Australia


Rancourt et al Feb2023


The COVID-19 vaccines did not only not save lives but they are highly toxic. On the global scale, given the 3.7 million fatalities in India alone, having vDFR = 1 % (Rancourt, 2022), and given the age-stratified vDFR results presented in this work, it is not unreasonable to assume an all-population global value of vDFR = 0.1 %. Based on the global number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered to date (13.25 billion

doses, up to 24 January 2023, Our World in Data), this would correspond to 13 million deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines worldwide.


I took my flu shot in Fall 2019 but I identified the Covid-19 Lockdown scam in Jan2020 and published on 21Mar2020, six months before the identical Great Barrington Declaration. NO GENERAL LOCKDOWNS!

I wrote my Alberta and federal government reps on 8Jan2021 to NOT release the toxic Covid-19 injections, NO TOXIC COVID-19 INJECTIONS!

All correct! See CorrectPredictions.ca

Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Hi Alan,

My bad, when I saw that you had recovered your worksheet, followed by Denis Rancourt's release of his numbers of 13 million dead, I made an assumption that this was the result of co-operation between you two.

As you know, my "back of the envelope" calculation was arrived at by scaling reports to VAERS and EUDRA by an under-reporting factor of 40, then by 8 to globalize EU+US administered doses to the 13 billion doses administered globally.

Denis Rancourt's work is much more in depth - his figure of 13 million implies a URF for deaths of around 26 and and one injection death per 1,000 doses.

For the US, with its 670 million doses - one per thousand = 670,000 dead over the last two years. Given excess mortality is running at around 570,000 per annum for 2020, 2021 and 2022, a share of 335,000 for 2021 and 2022 makes sense.

Far be it from me to question Denis' work, but hi work on India that showed 3.7 million dead in the Spring of 2021 combined with indications of deadlier effects of viral vector injections v mRNA injections in Europe here:


suggests to me that, given no mRNA in India (Pfizer and Moderna were denied EUA) and AZN was deployed as CoviShield with 80% market penetration - that the number of deaths in India over the last few years is way beyond the 3.7 million from the Spring of 2021.

Combine this with a much higher estimated URF for the EU (north of 60) and reports to EUDRA back on 17 November 2022 of 48,817 dead amongst 900 million doses, the one in 1,000 calculation of 900,000 dead in the EU seems light to me:



It could quite easily be 48,817 times 60 = around 3 million rather than 900,000.

I doubt that the Rest of the World has lower deaths per dose, but, of course, I hope that the URF is the implied equivalent of Denis' 26, rather than my 40 or a much higher number of 60. Incidentally, it is my belief that the URF is increasing as time since last injection recedes and demand for dose diminishes.

For the Ivermectin side - I did reply at the time that an Ivermectin equivalent of the Zelelnko HCQ protocol in March of 2020, was a great idea.

Evidence is required, via a track record.. A track record of success in areas round the world - Africa, Uttar Pradesh and South America could be used to demonstrate "in vivo" observational evidence.

Maybe this will help win "hearts and minds"


I suspect that people in Alberta (as anywhere) would be happy to take IVM protocols (including vitamin D and zinc supplements?) given the success as a prophylaxis and early to mid-stage cure, as per this:


You might add some of the other highly effective remedies such as melatonin or even pine needles! Provided there is no possibility of harm from such concoctions. We know that IVM is safer than Tylenol - AND it might also have the benefit of suppressing development of cancers and detoxing the injected spike protein.

I have no contacts in India or China as to quality and reliability of bulk IVM supply.

There is this web site from China. Others may have knowledge from India.


35-40 bucks a kilo which should, on average be sufficient for 50,000 doses.

IVM can, of course, be made in Alberta, without any need for any importation and with perhaps higher quality oversight.

Hope this helps

all the best

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Hi Peter,

I have had no contact or collaboration with Rancourt et al - but we independently calculated identical results for Global-vaxx-deaths of 13 million to end2022.

We made similar analytical assumptions - using the increase in all-cause total deaths above pre-vaxx levels - Rancourt for Israel and Australia, me for Alberta, and then extrapolated to Global. Our assumptions were similar but not identical - but should have yielded similar results, which they did. I could re-run my analysis for identical assumptions to Rancourt later, but I have a much more important agenda: TO SAVE MILLIONS OF LIVES.

I am frustrated because almost everyone on our side of this Covid-19 debacle continues to point fingers and heap well-deserved abuse on the criminal malefactors in Big Pharma, medical bodies and governments. There will be plenty of time for that later, but right now about 500,000 people per month are dying globally from the toxic vaxxes and I want that to stop. Even if we don’t have the “perfect” solution, I believe that treatment with “Ivermectin Plus” (say Vitamins C, D, E and trace Zinc) will save many millions. I’ve had considerable success curing Covid-19 in ~5 days with IVM, and have cured several cases of post-vaxx chronic bleeding with 10-15 days of IVM, as only 12mg/day for adults.

I’ve been urging my Alberta government since 20Nov2022 to get started, but it’s been like talking to a wall. I called the Covid-19 lockdown scam on 21Mar2020 and advised my government in writing on 8Jan2021 to NOT deploy the toxic vaxxes – that is the earliest and best advice they received – 100% correct – but they are impervious to logic and correct advice, and are killing 350 Albertans per month with their inactivity.

Any ideas you have to help move this IVM+ “cure” along would be much appreciated.

Best, Allan MacRae in Calgary

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Hi Allan,

I am remote and I am not a medic. So my ability to help is very small.

The casualties you mention are similar or higher than those in an occupied "hot war" zone. The rules of engagement are not bullets and bombs, they are Trudeau collaborators (Nazi sympathizers) jackboots and injections.

Clearly you need a reliable quality supply of IVM/Vitamins/Zn, a receptive market, a secure distribution network and acquiescent law enforcement. Trudeau is an anti-Christ, so he will try to stop you actually helping people.

How did you manage to save so many? Is it possible to scale these successes by identifying the willing in other areas? How did you solve the ban on prescription of IIVM?

In this clown world, the pro-choice extremists in the US have no problem burning down pro-life clinics - eco-warriors have no trouble blowing up farms,. I am not suggesting destroying distribution centres.

The police have inordinate trouble blocking opioids like fentanyl. i am not suggesting using the same tactics as drug runners.

I am not suggesting that there is now or is about to be a mass outbreak of roundworm requiring IVM - I see that is available on prescription for 96 x 12 mg tablets for a few hundred bucks.


I am not suggesting that if your are not caught breaking any of Trudeaus' odious regulations and laws, that you are innocent of any crime.

I have no idea of the propensity of the police to enforce a ban on the use of Ivermectin in either the well policed and well populated cities, compared to the remote country areas - nor am I suggesting "bootlegging" IVM from country "stills" to speak-easies in populated cities or care homes/hospices etc.

Nor am I suggesting that Canadians are prisoners of a war (knowingly or otherwise) with the Devil.

No doubt are able to answer a likely very basic question from the pro-vaxxers you meet - which is used to pillory and ridicule anti-vaxxers:

"How do you know that it is not C19 that is killing people rather than the injections - even killing those that have been vaccinated - when Stanford professors called Ioannidis say that more than 91% of the US has already been infected?"

Of course the answer is that C19 was deadly to far less than 1% of the healthy population under 70, but that will lead to the need to defend the same argument amongst the elderly and infirm.

I am not suggesting developing an apple pie with IVM + vitamins and ZN as key ingredients. - that might not legal, even if home made to a recipe. Neither am I suggesting a sympathetic health authority might declare a scabies outbreak or a potential one (like the WHO does) that requires IVM+ vitamins/zinc as prophylaxis. (River blindness might be a reach, but it could break out at any time).

Scabies can be treated in humans with 150-200 mg per kilo of body weight.

Maybe using the Calgary Stampede in early July 2023 for smuggling IVM is also a bit of a reach.

I wonder if First Americans have different laws and rights for their own health care and if they have been disproportionately killed by the mandated injections. Are there any Amish communities that were exempted that can be demonstrated as a placebo group and compared with urban centers?

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Hi again Peter and thanks for your thoughts,

NB - I emailed my vaxx-total-deaths summary to your substack address - can you access that?

If not, please send me a better email address via


I bought 1000 IVM pills from India - a quality source - for C$100 + delivery - 10 cents per pill. 5 days of 12mg/day pills to cure Covid-19 - worked every time.

Two medical friends had months of chronic bleeding after Covid jabs - both cured in ~10 -15 days of 12 mg/day IVM. Small sample but remarkable results.

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Previous emails arrive fine.

Excellent work on getting proof - now it is a matter of scale and location of the willing plus time sensitivity.

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By the way, India alone has administered around 2.2 billion doses.

A one death in 1,000 doses implies 22 million dead.

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Yes Peter,

I believe the estimate of 13 million Covid-19-vaxx-caused deaths to date is quite conservative (low) - no one knows what the real death toll is in India and especially in China. In China the death toll from the draconian lockdowns also has to be huge,

The murderous plicks who run China don't give a damn about their long-suffering citizens - people who have no more rights than the slaves of ancient times - I have met many Chinese people over the decades and they are kind, gentle and long-suffering - I cannot imagine their everyday misery, living under the iron rule of monsters.

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Unbelievable that this sort of wickedness is allowed to continue.

Mind bending the sums of taxpayers cash being poured into these evil companies coffers.

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

In Australia, unless one qualifies for govt. subsidised pharmaceuticals, Mercks Lagevrio//molnupiravir 40 hard capsules full cost $1,101.39.

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The receipts are here, there and everywhere. Why cant that stop the witches brews killing and maiming?

Do we have any sane in our government now? Understandably not after seeing jb's nominees, not two brain cells to rub together between all of them. Along with a compremised and mentally challanged administration. We really need a strong sane president, constitution and America loving administration before we are sold down the river and over the falls.

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I watched 20 minutes of the 4 hour CDC/FDA/NIH senate testimony - it confirmed what I long suspected - both sides of the aisle cannot do maths and have no sense of scale or magnitude or "bang for bucks". Seems like the expert panels of the FDA and CDC likewise.

Disheartening when the congress critters are in charge of trillions of taxes and spending of taxpayers money.

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