Sep 12, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The microplastics are a huge, under-reported REAL problem that we should all be working together to solve. I am purging plastics from my kitchen and looking for more ways to stop contributing to plastic waste, but the scale of the problem is so vast, it needs to be addressed worldwide.

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I am looking at microwaves proof plastic containers in a whole new light. I wonder what kind of research was done - same as clinical trails for drugs and "experimental gene therapies"?

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

That's why they are really called

the 'world hell organization'!!

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Oh and I have more. The WHO proper interference should also encom0ass sever penalties f9r geoengineering,,including gates sun dimming and all the satellites that are now in space...and ESPECIALLY offshore and onshore wind farms which are killing the last Wright whales 9n the planet and tons of b8rds...these are all things that effect us all..no one country owns it. And they should also be focusing on fukishima,,,plastics being shipped to an9ther country and tossed into the ocean...oh and those darn mosquitoes ..Gates again...soeey about typos I hate this tablet. I am sure 8 can think of others.

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Now, if only an organization. Say like the WHO

HONEST TO GOD, that 8s exactly what they SHOULD be

Doing instead of trying to take over all western nations nations sovereignty.

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