IMO, Ukraine was nothing but a money-pit for laundering. A senseless war which thugs in charge in DC agitated into reality back in 2014 by taking down an elected govt leading to the now actor/grifter who has overseen the destruction of Ukraine, & depletion of $,£,€ along with military equipment from the US, UK, & EU.

Russia didn't start this situation, our own western thugs have sold out in every way to destroy recognition of God/our Creator, reproduction, health, family, freedom of speech, movement, elections.

We've been targeted with bioweapon jabs to harm, disable, & kill many of us all hidden behind lies of "safe & effective".

What will it take to awaken more people to the fact this is a spiritual war with numerous physical repercussions!

Sin has repercussions. Without God's help, we are sinking fast. Jesus Christ is the answer to every situation facing us.

Eternity is right around the corner for so many. Acts 2:38-39 is for all. Repentance is key.

The enemy of our souls comes to steal, kill, & destroy. Choose life, for now & for eternity! Read the Bible for yourself.

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Sep 30Liked by Peter Halligan

Wow! I find I keep saying this over and over as I read through Substack articles. Although dire in most cases it needs to be said, it needs to be known and I appreciate all the hard investigative work you and others are doing. I just wish more of my family, friends and community would listen. Damn the censorship!

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Sure a great deal to take-in in but a short post….One has to ask ourself just how we got to this place in the first place for if we do not visit that first ignorant and stupid affair…CIA scheme?…or Hunter Biden involvement

from the our own Deep State then we will never learn from these infinite schemes to derail our lives and Ukrainian lives. Washington DC is just swarming with destabilizing influencers who care little for the We The People…chaos is their middle name whether working with or for major Govts against our Republic…for $$$ they have sold us out….and this chaos is their result or Xmas present for us to chew on. Until these truly WEF/WHO Faucci types are purged from Govt this sort of conflicts and fascism will persist.

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Sep 30Liked by Peter Halligan

Great info, but please check for typos; I won’t share it with that many mistakes.

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Apologis. Updated.

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