MONSTER! WHO sycophant Hotez projects his support for genocide of the weak, the poor, the infirm and the elderly by seeking to ban data analysis and pursuit of the scientific method.
A sadistic, malevolent worshipper of Moloch, Peter Hotez labels those using evidence based analysis as “far-right
In the 52 second video embedded in the Twitter post, Hotez, launches into a tirade against the data that reveals that the C19 pandemic is magnitudes greater than it is, that “vaccines” are the solution and that those examining the data are a killing force of anti-science far right extremists.
Let’s break down his rant.
“We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally. “
Firstly, the injections ARE NOT vaccines. No-one has been “vaccinated”. The injections are an experimental treatment that modifies human DNA and which FAILED phase 3 clinical trials. At best the injections suppressed symptoms that would otherwise indicate infection, hence turning the symptomatic infected people into asymptomatic infected people, removing the clear signs of infection and turning the injected and infected into super spreaders.
At worst, the injections are the source of genocide running into the tens of millions of people globally and millions in the US who will suffer from developing conditions that turn into morbidities – no-one knows because the injections are an EXPERIMENT.
Secondly, the definition of a “case” was made using an RT-PCR test that was not initially calibrated to the toxic spike protein component of the SARS-COV2 virus that causes the C19 disease. The test used amplification cycles way in excess of the maximum 24 cycles that would produce evidence of the presence of spike protein gene sequences. The RT-PCR test was NOT designed to diagnose infectiousness or infection - it was designed only to detect the presence of a live or dead gene sequence.
Around 95% of cases were mis-diagnosed in this way, lowering the number of cases in the US from over 100 million to 10 million and the number of deaths FROM C19 to around 50,000 – a normal flu season.
Now factor in recent work that demonstrates that “deaths with C19 present” hides the brutal reality that these were not deaths caused by C19, but were caused by neglect, cowardice of some medical practitioners to issue treatments for non-C19 conditions that could be treated with anti-biotics, or with nutrition, by the psychological impact on those classified as “useless eaters” by politicians and regulators and NOT TREATING with Remdesivir, Midazolam, morphine and ventilators.
The CDC instruction to treat all deaths with C19 present – using a faulty RT-PCR test – as caused by C19 – whether these were motorbike accidents, food poisoning, gun shot or the 2-6 other co-morbidities at time of death actually caused deaths as well as inflating mortality statistics.
To put it bluntly, 95% of all deaths ascribed to C19 should have been ascribed to other leading causes of death because lockdowns, masking, failure to treat non-C19 injuries and conditions, iatrogenic murders from using “Fauci blood money” treatment protocols like Remdesivir – were the causes of death NOT C19.
Thirdly, the injections contain instructions to the body to produce the toxic spike protein or inject it directly. The injections contain toxic lipid nano-particles encased in toxic Polyethylene Glycol (PEG). Three deadly components and that is if the scale-up from a few tens of thousands of doses manufactured in the clinical trials are replicated exactly by the scaled-up manufacturing process for billions upon billions of doses.
We know from that the injections are poorly manufactured with dangerous safety and “scale-up of manufacturing” faults and an appalling lack of quality control. The injections have to be dethawed properly by unqualified and inexperienced medics such as school nurses. Many people have been lucky enough to be injected with deactivated doses because of failures to follow dethawing and other protocols for the administration of injections.
Hotez implies that the injections reduce deaths (leave “cases” aside for now). Look at this chart of deaths with C19 present since the roll-out of the toxic injections in the US.
Around 350,000 deaths (with C19 present) at the start of the roll-out in mid-December 2020 of the injections compared to over 1.1 million deaths (with C19 present) now. More than triple the deaths.
What is Hotez’ claim for deaths with C19 present if 660 million doses had not been administered in the USA? That instead of 1.1 million deaths, there would have been 1.2 million deaths (10% efficacy), or perhaps 2 million (50% efficacy) or 3 million deaths (67% efficacy) or perhaps the advertised rate of a drop from 22 million deaths without the injections (95% efficacy)?
Remember that “cases” are around one third of “infections”. The “case fatality rate” is around 3% - cases have accumulated to around 30% over the last 3 years, expressed per capita – but not adjusting for multiple infections.
Around 90% of the US population has been infected. The “Infection Fatality Rate” over the last three years is around 0.3% per capita or 0.1% per annum. As with all mortality rates, the elderly are represent the largest share. Those under 65-70 years of age are almost completely unaffected – except for those with rare conditions.
Remember that the “recovery rate” for US “cases” exceeds the initially claimed efficacy rate of the mRNA injections. That is, 97% of “cases” in the US recovered after a few weeks with no help from the injections compared to the 95% efficacy rate claimed in the clinical trials. 97% is higher than 95%, right? So what is the point of an injection with a lower efficacy rate than the recovery rate and why was this recovery rate not reflected in clinical trial efficacy or in any analysis of the pandemic?
The next statement from the Hotez tweet.
“During the Covid pandemic in the United States 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives because they refused a Covid vaccine, even after vaccines became widely available and now the anti-vaccine activism is expanding across the world even into low and middle income countries. It is a killing force. “
The claim that 200,000 people lost their lives because they were unvaxxed is probably an extrapolation of vaxx rates and deaths with C19 present. That is, probably 80% of those that died with C19 present in the official stats were vaxxed and 20% unvaxxed. Pretty vague and unscientific. Using the same logic you may as well say that 800,000 people died from lack of efficacy of the injections!
Note there is no acknowledgement of the number killed by the injections. As of 9 December 2022, 15,732 reports of deaths have been reported to the vaccine safety system, VAERS. The under-reporting to VAERS has historically been just one report per 100 events. More recent estimates of reporting range from one report per 20 events, to one in 60 events. Maybe deaths are around one death reported for every 30 or 40 deaths caused.
Suffice to say that using the historical one in 100 reporting number, those 15,732 deaths reported are actually close to 1.5 million deaths from the injections, but are probably closer to one in 30 to 40 – that is, between 450,000 and 600,000 Americans killed by the toxic injections. And yet, no mention of these unnecessary and avoidable deaths by Hotez.
Neither is there any mention of the vastly different personal circumstances of individuals with different allergies, existing conditions, differing susceptibilities to C19, different tolerances to the three different toxins in the injections or poor manufacturing practices. One size fits all – like a true communist.
The penultimate Hotez statement in the tweet.
“Anti-science now kills more people than things like gun-violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, or cyber attacks and now its become a political movement. “
Hotez is attempting to link guesses about the reasons for “vaccine hesitancy” that results in lower all -cause mortality. with terrorism. There is no link. There is no political movement, despite attempts by “people” like Hotez to create division and “vaccine” apartheid. C19 is a health issue, not a political one. If anything the desire to get to the bottom of all issues, from source to interventions transcends all political considerations.
The only “political movement” has been the emergence of people who reject all government and health regulatory measures imposed by people like Hotez. Whether this “movement” gains enough momentum to topple governments or whether a new system of government emerges remains to be seen. Suffice to say, governments FAILED in the face of an easily defeatable challenge BECAUSE of the existence of people like Hotez.
People may have refused injections based on data analysis, personal preferences (my body, my choice), religious beliefs (see if you can find any references to Amish after June 2021) or any other factor that applies to them alone.
The data indicates that the C19 injections, neither the mRNA versions or the even worse viral vector injections DO NOT prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization or death of people with C19 present (using useless RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen Tests as means of diagnosis).
The last hyperbolic, unproveable and unscientific statement in the Hotez tweet.
“In the US it’s linked to far extremism on the far right. Same in Germany. So this is a new face of anti-science aggression. And so we need political solutions to address this. “
Political solutions? Really? What, like army and police enforced injections, quarantine camps and the elderly locked in prisons either at home or in a “facility”? The lack of self-awareness is staggering. Hotez advocates the use of pseudo “pro-science” aggression to combat “anti-science aggression”? Madness. Science changes as it travels along the path of never ending discovery. Does Hotez seriously believe, like Fauci, that HE is the science?
Germany has suffered excess mortality of 19% since the roll-out of the C19 injections. That is way above the excess mortality Germany suffered BEFORE the roll-out of C19 mRNA and viral vector “vaccines”. Around a million people a year die in Germany – a 19% excess mortality = 190,000 extra dead Germans since the roll-out of injections.
Data on excess mortality is not easily obtained for the US. Adjusting the German experience amongst its population to the size of the US population indicates more than 500,000 excess deaths in the US. This number of excess deaths coincides with estimates of deaths reported to VAERS, once adjusted for an under-reporting factor of a little over 30 (only one death reported to VAERS for every 30 deaths actually caused).
In short, Hotez has projected his bigotry, intolerance, willingness to terrorize, lack of objective reasoning and political dogma (implement “vaccine apartheid” onto the increasingly sceptical public. It looks as if he is angling for a job on the gravy train of the WHO which is already full of passengers covered in the blood of tens of millions globally, whilst ignoring the real death and suffering of 9 million deaths from starvation every year and the 2.5 million a year that die from pneumonia.
Oh and do NOT expect any debate by any one around the one trillion masks, one trillion wet wipes, millions of trees chopped down and gallons of oil used for the packaging of test kits, masks, syringes, protective equipment, cleaning fluids and aerosols, painted circles and plexiglass windows OR the “stuff” the packages contain that must be disposed of as bio-hazards using lots of energy that only carbon based fuel systems can provide.
Yeah, pretty tasteless remarks given the available scientific literature on the topic.
Mathew Crawford has a different take on the batch/lot toxicity that I found very worthwhile:
Plus, what do you make of DNA jabs looking much better than the modRNA ones here?
By the way: Two of the authors, Christine Stabell Benn and her husband Peter Aaby, have done very interesting work (very much from within the system) on vaccines in general, particularly in Guinea-Bissau and Denmark.
Holtz is correct. Anti-science of the 'not a vaccine' jabs is not a scientific help. Its anti help. Elite help to cull the population of conservatives. Has he been shot up with that posion? He reverses the facts like most lefties do. Reversing the harm they commit on to others. He sounds like a pro at reverse blame. Can we impeach him for non human acts against humanity?