Monthly VAERS update on the "events" caused by the filthy "steenking" vaccines waved thrugh by health regulators and goverments arounnd the world
Using data from here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 8/30/2024 – VAERS Analysis
US deaths and “events”
And here’s the deaths and “events” from outside the US, which is derived by subtracting the numbers for the “US VAERS” numbers from the “Total VAERS” below this table.
Note the complete lack of correlation between the numbers of deaths and events with the numbers of doses administered.
And here’s the total VAERS numbers for deaths and events:
The number of Pfizer doses is taken from here:
COVID-19 Vaccine Equity | Pfizer
The number of US doses of Pfizer and Moderna is taken from here:
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer, United States (
I have estimated the number of Moderna doses, based on the 60 Pfizer :40 Moderna split for the US doses – to two thirds Pfizer, one third Moderna outside the US.
I have seen nothing in the MSM or social media that points out the inconsistency between 600 million doses administered in the US causing 1,014,000 events and 6.3 billion doses outside the US causing just 631,000 events. On a pro-rata basis there could easily be 9 million adverse events outside the US – and that is before ay under-reporting factor (probably around 40) is applied.
In other words, adjusting for an under-reporting factor of 40, there could be 400 million injuries from the Pfizer and Moderna gene modifying injections, with 8 million deaths.
Of all the “steenking” vaccines, Astra Zeneca is 4-5 times as bad as Pfizer and 2-4 times as toxic as Moderna. 2 billion AZN doses were administered under license to the Serum Institute in India alone. One death per 200 doses for AZN (v around one death per thousand doses for the Pfizer and Moderna doses) implies 10 million deaths in the sub-continent over the last 3 and a half years.
All the deaths and injuries from the “steenking” vaccines have occurred despite the regulators in every country and the WHO knowing that the injections are filthy with contaminants ad have been adulterated during sloppy and unsafe manufacturing process. And that is before the lack of skill for those actually doing the injections outside a medical setting who may not have aspirated the injections to make sure that the contents do not directly enter a vein or blood vessel (to more likely stay at the injection site, at least for a while).
Remember the “feeding frenzy” to inject pregnant women, babies, the chronically sick and elderly with already no-existent immune systems? How about those “mix and match” instructions as if the filthy, “steenking” vaccines were just like candy?
There is no shame, no contrition, no confessions by the health regulators for their criminal acts of omission and commission.
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Disgusting! Pure evil runs our once great nation !
These figures don’t even count the thousands of unvaccinated that have either died or have been debilitated from the vaccinated shedding.