
400 million adverse events world wide but only 8 million deaths? Didn't Rancourt estimate 18 million up to mid-2022? I've seen more recent estimations of around 28 million - maybe from you? There's also the question of shedding that other commenters have raised here. Is there any way that can be calculated? If YOU can't work it out, no-one can! I was skeptical about shedding for a long time, but I'm now seeing several cases of people who live with vaccinated partners or family members who are having serious health problems.

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The 8 million deaths are just those from Pfizer and Moderna ((18,000 US, adjusted 180,000 fr pro-rata ex-US deaths) times a URF of 40) = 200,000 times 40.

The Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial indicated around 250 times the number of adverse events to deaths ratio.

You are right to question the numbers - we can only guesstimate and test against changes in "extra deaths" rates or excess deaths.

Most estimates of US excess deaths centre on 700,000 US deaths - Rancourt postulates that 17 million of 31 million global excess deaths are due to C19 injections.

It is entirely possible that the AstraZeneca doses are five times more lethal than PFE and with 2 billion doses administered in India, 10 million people could have been killed and the Indian authorities would not even notice. It has been 3.5 years since the first injections there and there are 1.4 billion people in India.

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Are people who are exposed to Covid vaccinated people dying? What are the numbers?

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Great question! No way to find them or verify anything, I suspect.

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These figures don’t even count the thousands of unvaccinated that have either died or have been debilitated from the vaccinated shedding.

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Sep 7Liked by Peter Halligan

Disgusting! Pure evil runs our once great nation !

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