Hypocrisy dressed up as "concerned" people. Rubbish. Just a pathetic & way too late futile effort to cover their evil.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Sorry that the medical providers were so adamant in forcing people into their treatments and protocols with such disastrous consequences. We can hope it will never happen again but the medical profession won’t have patients trusting them for at least a couple generations to come. My grown children are now already skeptical of the medical pharmaceutical industry and I will make sure as my grandchildren grow older that they learn to stay as far away from doctors as possible. They just can’t be trusted. Which is sad because my great grandfather and his father were medical doctors and it used to be an honorable profession.

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all of society needs to be turned to helping all those who have been harmed by this and also bringing justice to all those who have been involved in this.... don't think we even let one concnetration camp guard from WWII rest in peace even today (for alleged crimes) and this genocide is far greater with unknown total future damages....

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One first needs to "explain" why a legion of scientists, doctors, health professionals, nurses, and midwives walked away when mandates were imposed, why scientists and doctors formed organisations pushing back against government edicts, were pilloried and ostracised?

All their former mates and colleagues were suckling on the $ teat, some with scant critical thought, others in abject compliance or simply conned and coerced. And worse, there appear those who either undertook shot fakery in order to continue practice, or as a professional group may quietly have blackmailed authorities.

The social trust is far gone. The 'system' is irretrievably broken.

I imagine that therein intent may be found.

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And The Medical Doctors Mentally Dicombobulate:

Don’t Worry Doctors.

Medical Schools Are Not The Only Insane Asylums

That Grant Degrees.

Most Prisons Offer GED’s.

It’s Just That With Prisons

You Have A Penal System

Where Your Debt Is Already Paid.


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Yes, sorry to say but we've seen way too many sellout doctors. What a freakin pity that the majority of them have cast their integrity aside to serve the interests of the cult, rather than patients. My father, a renowned microbiologist, is turning in his grave. This world is beyond messed up.

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Thank you for stepping up and taking action.

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For the rollout of a global effort, the collection of videos is puny. They must be laughing hysterically at FDA, CDC, Pfizer, etc.

Less press releases, more video confessions by doctors.

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About friggin time. My son suggests you play this instead - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmWKnepGDXY "Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour foutre le feu", NTM, Paris 1998. No redemption for his generation. As for Willis, time he woke up to the total scam that is viroliegy and stopped promoting morons like Mikovitz or Kory.

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Well, for one thing. We do not live on a “Globe.”

The True-Earth is demonstrably measurable, observed and repeatedly known to be a FLAT Creation based on overwhelming evidenceS !

Oh, I know, “ ... a perjurative “CONspiracy theorist.” No, rather a “CON-piracy ANALYST” !

Who’s been lying ? Deceiver$ geared so THEIR “fiat money ‘must’ flow.” Non-science that isn’t honest with its method nor applications.

You might need to speak to someone at FlatEarthDave.com . The Truth there will set you free.(er)

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