I saw an interview with Dr Nehls a while back. Favourably impressed with him.

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Get in the sun and find some clean raw milk. With the sun being hidden more and more, I've been consuming about 1.5 gallons a milk a week. Not the fake milk in the store. Milk the comes fresh out of a cow.

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Conspiracy theorists tend to avoid myocarditis.... Just sayin'

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Michael Nehls provides an appealing theoretical mechanism. Overloading the hippocampus with "emergency" data that displaces or erases previous recall could explain why we feel that time is accelerating. The book is sold-out at Amazon and 4 other dealers. It's rumored the CIA will move in to buy all copies of books to suppress uncomfortable "conspiracy theories". Ha!

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#1 psyops are those which disable the natural mental balance in the person.

Everyone knows what is best for him/her and manages his/her life accordingly. We do it by following a very simple principle: we don’t do what is unpleasant for us and we do what brings us more good feelings. This is the only valid rule of life applicable to everyone. Kind of, mental survival. Followed on day-to-day basis, this principle assures our own sanity, good social coexistence with others, and natural discovering of attractions in life which stand out at a particular time and place as meaningful and disappear when they fulfill their role and are no longer necessary. Children follow this rule all the time - until some genius adult tells them not to do what they feel like doing, smile and be kind to another invasive adult or obey a person who clearly crosses the barriers of their personal space. Or, “how to spoil a child and make parents be grateful for it”.

This delicate balance is easily destroyed by brute force - when the local community tries to impose abstract rules on your personal, inner perceptions and interpretations. Some of these rules tell you what you must or should do. These are easy to identify and defend yourself from. The most dangerous rules are trojan horses, which on the surface appear legitimate, and usually are sanctioned and approved by authorities in various forms.

The most basic of these trojan horses are ready-made explanations. Just like the mass formation psychosis concept. It’s all done. Analyzed, supported by elaborate hypotheses and sophisticated words, endorsed by names, big or small. You only need to take this pill. No need to think and recognize the real problem you are in. No need to discover the sources of your un-happiness by yourself. Just take this concept.

Once you take this ready-made theory, you will start re-forming your own perceptions and interpretations to fit the mass formation requirements. Sure enough, you will be successful. You have been pre-programmed to narrow down your vision only to those factors which are provided on the plate of the theory.

The only problem is that your un-happiness won’t disappear. The ready-made story won’t work. You can see it from the mass formation psychosis concept. Developed, explained in hundreds of hours of presentations and interviews, even provided with a dedicated book. Supposedly, presented against the background of approved psychological theories - it should be welcome and employed by psychologists in the first place. If these premises were true or even close to actual situations in real life, the problems addressed by this concept would have been gone long ago.

But, no. All these problems are still here. Our life is as un-happy today as it was at the time when the mass formation concept was created. Only the mass formation concept is doing better. Nothing has been solved with this concept. Why? Because you took it as a ready-made explanation, and you stopped checking this delicate balance in your life which is exclusively yours - no theory can explain it. Only you can.

If you are looking for psyops everywhere, as we have been conditioned to read this reality, start with mega-psyops like “psychological” explanations. It won’t be easy at first, because they are already reinforced and established in our minds as “true”. Done, nothing new here, accept and move on.

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