WTF? Kenya again? Oh yes that Kenya where gateseuthanasiaist "inadvertently" sterilised the female school girls with his "new" polio injections.

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'Both the fingerprints and the voice data will then allegedly be removed, the group developing the biometric system has promised.'

Aah... promises, promises....

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Regester once a year for your witches brew and get your tag like Fido.

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Gotta keep tabs on your poison compliance.

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No invasion of privacy there. And ...experimentation/exploitation of the poor in Africa: the abuse documented in The Real Anthony Fauci by RFKJR continues.

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This is the pilot for the digital ID, to be layered with health records, criminal, financial, work history, etc. Tell them to stick it somewhere else.

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Seems like they always target Africa 1st most of the time. :( ... Freaking Jerks.

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They have kept Africa poor and under developed so that they can do "humanitarian" work there. Instead of providing them with infrastructure, food, and industry they bring them vaccines instead.

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Lord have mercy!

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