Go NZ!! After the totalitarian (to paraphrase... "it's only true if we say so") Jacinda has been retired, so happy to see y'all moving forward. A beacon of light for all us. This, plus the populist victories in the rest of the world, gives me hope for us here in the USA.
There’s some good things there but vaccine safety will not be investigated and nor will the widespread disability and death from the experimental jab. There will be no accountability and no justice
I also doubt there will be any independent inquiry. That’s a play on words. If it was independent it would be investigating vaccine safety.
But it’s not actually legal in nz to investigate the safety of any pharmaceutical product
The PM chief science advisor told me that the introduction of the therapeutic goods act would have allowed the pre market testing of pharmaceutical products
As that’s now being scrapped, safety will continue to be ignored and untested in NZ.
So it’s bad news for justice and accountability and revolution is still on the cards
How can we get Canada’s conservatives (when in power) to implement all of these incredible changes. I am so tired of what’s happening here in every way. How to convince Pierre Poilievre to do the right thing completely not just a little bit. 😭
I feel like things are shifting here in Canada as well but I don’t think Pierre is truly willing to go all the way as he should if he is a true conservative. I believe he still wants to go ahead with the EV nightmare and I don’t think he will change anything in regards to what the schools are pushing on our children and all other woke things.
The rich elite have really done such an incredible job at using msm to brainwash the world into literally thinking there is only 1 right side and if you don’t follow site you deserve the worst of the worst it just feels like we will never get to the top of that hill.
So in, dumb grandma speak, their experiments over the last three years went down in a big ball of flames so it’s time to back off and regroup for the next round of “Ruling the world through the ideas of that strange kid in the back of science class. Good grief 🫣😳 🤣
The Essential early spread questions, all taboo.
Go NZ!! After the totalitarian (to paraphrase... "it's only true if we say so") Jacinda has been retired, so happy to see y'all moving forward. A beacon of light for all us. This, plus the populist victories in the rest of the world, gives me hope for us here in the USA.
There’s some good things there but vaccine safety will not be investigated and nor will the widespread disability and death from the experimental jab. There will be no accountability and no justice
I also doubt there will be any independent inquiry. That’s a play on words. If it was independent it would be investigating vaccine safety.
But it’s not actually legal in nz to investigate the safety of any pharmaceutical product
The PM chief science advisor told me that the introduction of the therapeutic goods act would have allowed the pre market testing of pharmaceutical products
As that’s now being scrapped, safety will continue to be ignored and untested in NZ.
So it’s bad news for justice and accountability and revolution is still on the cards
Hi Peter, got a crystal ball? Is it a good time to emigrate to NZ?
Off topic Mr. Peter do you ever listen to Mariazeee she has some interesting videos lately 🚨 https://rumble.com/v3xj4lp-live-8pm-et-uncensored-us-government-docs-on-borgs.html 🚨https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee
Interesting that you mention the elections https://greatgameindia.com/countries-elections-2024/
Opportunity knocks!
40 elections in 2024 - wow!
How can we get Canada’s conservatives (when in power) to implement all of these incredible changes. I am so tired of what’s happening here in every way. How to convince Pierre Poilievre to do the right thing completely not just a little bit. 😭
Perhaps some informed Canadians could forward the article!
Seems to me that if Pierre wants to win an election this could get him at least half of Trudeus voter base.
I feel like things are shifting here in Canada as well but I don’t think Pierre is truly willing to go all the way as he should if he is a true conservative. I believe he still wants to go ahead with the EV nightmare and I don’t think he will change anything in regards to what the schools are pushing on our children and all other woke things.
The rich elite have really done such an incredible job at using msm to brainwash the world into literally thinking there is only 1 right side and if you don’t follow site you deserve the worst of the worst it just feels like we will never get to the top of that hill.
We have the New Blue party but msm likes to pretend they don’t exist so they aren’t know on a mass scale unfortunately and they do not hold any seats.
It's a start!
From the Budapest ICS4 = "we are the media"!
Any chance of an RFK jr equivalent in Canada?
So in, dumb grandma speak, their experiments over the last three years went down in a big ball of flames so it’s time to back off and regroup for the next round of “Ruling the world through the ideas of that strange kid in the back of science class. Good grief 🫣😳 🤣
One small step for New Zealand - if they get it all through - one giant leap for mankind!
Just think how far almost every other country is behind this type of thinking!
Amen to that. Go NZ!