Dec 12, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Tomorrow December 13, another bad day in Europe- Voting on European Health Data Space- bye bye privacy

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What is wrong with these people!

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This is only one small part of a much bigger picture. See "The Great Taking" (video and book) ~ and share widely:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/916299bda44b

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Non-compliance Step 1:

STOP calling Vaccines technologies, which elicit an immune response.

Pathogens too result in an immune response. Should we call them vaccines?

I have a better idea, let’s call mRNA vaxx PATHOGENS. This is what they are

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This was always going to happen! The EU was never a good idea. Just another way to steal from Peter and pay Paul!

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Not a great day for Germany either!! SMOKING GUN: German Professor in the German Parliament Explains All! - - https://youtu.be/Iq2TZPEWjcA?si=sxczFc6MK9EU8DZS - - 12 min long, see what you think!

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Better late than never!

I think there are now Professors in mathematical, medical and relevant scientific fields on every continent - if not every developed country - on the planet who have come out against the measures.

Problem is - humanity lost - there have been over 8 billion mRNA shots injected amongst 5 billion people - a further even more toxic amongst over 1.5 billion Russians Indians and Lord knows how deadly the 3 billion injected with the Chinese "traditional" vaccinations have been.

We know that if the mRNA don't kill or maim you i the first sic months, the damage they inflict on your immune system has the effect of shortening your life span - because the diseases that usually kill you as get older are now incurred far sooner.

Humanity has been turned into Humpty Dumpty - will all the kinds horses and all the kinds men - currently in power - put humanity back together again? Hell no, the current leadership wants to make an omelette.

Maybe we need our won COP - but a conference of the professors rather than the parties.

The Cult is probably just waiting to inflict an acceleration of the Net Zero to follow up their "dont feed the hungry - inject them with toxins paid for with western tax dollars" - with - "all your hydrocarbons belong to us, use this epensive crap instead and earn your way to energy poverty" mantra.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Non-compliance Step 1:

STOP calling Vaccines technologies, which elicit an immune response.

Pathogens too result in an immune response. Should we call them vaccines?

I have a better idea, let’s call mRNA vaxx PATHOGENS. This is what they are

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