Porter Stansberry seems to have figured out what’s going on in this dystopian world and who is behind it. He names Larry Fink of Blackrock and Michael Bloomberg as the protagonists.

Watch the first part – I am not endorsing the $1000 purchase.

Let me know what you think.

Best, Allan

The Two Men Destroying America


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Curious facts:

Ivermectin (IVM) was banned in Western countries circa March 2020 and low-dose IVM cures Covid-19 in about one week with no side-effects. Who banned it? How was the ban instituted all over the Western world? This is one key point to start the criminal investigation.

A handful of African leaders refused the Covid-19 lockdowns ... and died soon thereafter. Curiouser.

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The Gilead Israeli pharmaceutical (actual bioweapon) company that manufactures the lethally toxic and worse than useless remdesivir aggressively lobbied for hydroxychloroquine to be banned from use in US hospitals in favour of their no doubt intended lethal weapon remdesivir to be pushed out in US hospitals instead, which is also used in UK hospitals from my own direct personal experience (I fortunately had enough prior knowledge to refuse remdesivir when offered it while in a UK NHS ICU with COVID), and is used no doubt only to compound on the already lethal action of Jewish-designed COVID bioweapon fake 'vaccines', that really intendedly cause the COVID in the first place.

And then of course, a major hydroxychloroquine production facility got destroyed by curious cohencidence.

Even Putin's Sputnik mRNA COVID 'vaccine' is made by another Jew, and crypto-Jewish Israeli agent Putin then forces that to be injected into his toy goy army of Russian Gentile soldiers by military regulation, who are all without the slightest doubt intended by the WEF NWO UN Jews to die by one means or another anyway, as all whites are, very likely by entirely arranged nuclear exchange that will burn off the surface of most land areas occupied by almost all of the last remaining 800 million white people on the planet all at once, leaving very few whites left alive then at all except in a few very vulnerable small locations like South Africa, with maybe a few surviving in Russian nuclear shelters in the big cities if they can run there fast enough.

Crafty WEF agent Zelensky and his Israeli-controlled CIA and MI6 handlers are finishing off the dirty work of the provenly Jewish Stalin. I have photos of Stalin wearing tefillin prayer box on his forehead and yarmulke, also wearing Jewish rabbinical stripy shawl and hat.

Zelenksy who says he wishes to create a 'Big Israel' in Ukraine is craftily actually getting any white Gentile soldiers whose families survived the Holodomor (that Stalin himself stated killed 10 million Ukrainians and Stalin himself used that specific figure) in Ukraine to now fight Russian white Gentile soldiers, thus WEF agent Putin and WEF agent Zelensky craftily get whites to kill each other in a meat grinder exactly as the Jewish world domination plans intend to compel whites to annihilate each other, entirely by Jewish WEF/UN/NATO/Israeli arrangement, even as in Isaiah 19:2.

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How many senior politicians and insider medical authorities received the real Covid-19 "vaccines" and how many got saline?

Opinions welcome:

I say ALL of the top brass and their families got saline.

It would take a blood test to verify - and that could be faked too..

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Remdesivir was, I believe, a USA treatment - and it was often fatal - used to pump-up the numbers of deaths. Reportedly called "run-death-is-near" in USA hospitals.

I don't think it was widely used in the UK or Canada. Canada and Alberta had no excess deaths for the six 12-month periods ending 1July2020, No excess deaths means NO scary pandemic - just another winter flu. Be very afraid - but not from this flu - from corrupt medical authorities.

See CorrectPredictions.ca for the table and graph.

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I was offered remdesivir in a UK ICU when still suffering with still untreated COVID pneumonia a week after coming out of a four week induced coma on a mechanical ventilator, and refused it.

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Thank goodness you refused.

Even bigger thanks that you're still with us.

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Thankyou for your kind comments, we can only hope that this type of fake administration will be thrown out, but sadly, the overwhelming vast majority of the electorate remains utterly hypnotized and spellbound by the imaginary sense of the government somehow being necessarily bona fide, benevolently intended and better than themselves, so they will never challenge it, and even if they do at the polls, just as in America, fake counting will take place as it did for Biden, and when that occurred, the government-controlled 'British' press overwhelmingly stated that Biden 'won fair and square', which surely means that exactly the same type of electoral manipulation of poll results takes place in the UK too. Still, we can persevere and hope that more people will wake up and actually make some change happen.

For example, I just got a 100 year ban from Lioness of Judah's Substack blog for being too outspoken, after merely politely recommending that she and her readers view the revealing video https://mothman777.substack.com/p/rabbis-prophesize-the-destruction

She is obviously sadly just another willing victim of the Tribe who wishes to actually support them even though several rabbis from different rabbinical movements in the video say that all whites are intended to be literally killed by the Jews ultimately.

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Banned from a substack. Unreal.

Same bs with paywalls for comments.

Proof positive that even this bastion of "free speech", has a dark side.

Keep on Keeping on! Cheer!

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Cheers man, same to you too. We can keep on keeping on as long as we can.

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Glad you are still here. I thought this remdesivir-murder thing was mainly in the USA.

It is impossible for me to believe that these corrupt pricks did not understand what they were doing. No rational person or group could be this utterly obtuse, this wrong for this long.

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Thankyou. Absolutely, they know exactly what they are doing, anyone can look up online what remdesivir really does and that it has no curative effect on COVID whatsoever, but for £3,000 a day in the ICU wards, just like the mercenaries in Ukraine get £3,000 a day who muder Donbass civilians, the consultant doctors will do absolutely anything. and what do they care? They have long been used to seeing people drop dead after receiving the poisons they have been doling out for years for big pharma already anyway, it is just like one of SAGE consultant Ferguson's authorizations for mass cullings of millions of farm animals to them, as that is all we are to them, and they are exactly like a military organization carrying out such an intendedly lethal exercise under orders, for the so-called British government is undoubtedly now highly infiltrated and controlled by hostile foreign power military occupation government officials, as many infiltrated and controlled governments in the world are today, riddled with the corrosive and lethal cancer of Jewish communism.

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UK just used Midazolam to slaughter the elderly in care homes.

fcUKd's Govatrds had ordered incredible stockpiles of the evil drug 2 1/2 years before the scamdemic kicked off.

The midazolam was palmed off as "End of Life Care".

Sounds better than an "Euthanasing Drip to make you go to sleep forever."

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How many of those nurses murdered covid patients with Remdesivir and midazolam?

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Amen to that. Nurse Ratched never looked so good.

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Hi Peter and thank you for your good work. Please confirm receipt of this long post.

I sent the following this morning to our Alberta Government:



If we had treated COVID-19 like a normal flu with no lockdowns and no “vaccines”, like I recommended in March 2020, the Covid-19 virus would be extinct by now. Humanity would have developed herd immunity, as it has to multitudes of previous viruses and the alleged Covid-19 “crisis” would have ended months ago. Competent epidemiologists have stated that you NEVER vaccinate into an epidemic, because the vaccines encourage the evolution of the variants – that is basic Darwinian biology. As long as we continue to use the Covid-19 vaccines, the virus will mutate and survive. Neither the Covid-19 lockdowns nor the “vaccines” were ever justified – they were a public health disaster and the most costly medical error (fraud) in human history.

In reality, the “safe and effective” Covid-19 “vaccines” were not effective and certainly not safe. Many more people have died from the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” than from the virus. Peter Halligan, former Chief Scientist for Wales, estimates that the current death toll from the Covid-19 “vaccines” is 20 million, +/- 50% and it is far from over. The lockdowns and inappropriate medical treatments killed many more.

I correctly called the Covid-19 Lockdown-and-Vaccine scam on 21March2020 – that could have saved tens of millions of lives worldwide.



Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five.

This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.


This full-lockdown scenario is especially hurting service sector businesses and their minimum-wage employees – young people are telling me they are “financially under the bus”. The young are being destroyed to protect us over-65’s. A far better solution is to get them back to work and let us oldies keep our distance, and get “herd immunity” established ASAP – in months not years. Then we will all be safe again.

Six months later world-class physicians and researchers made the same recommendation in their Great Barrington Declaration.

See CorrectPredictions.ca for links, etc.

In fact, the Covid-19 was a scam driven by Big Pharma and a deeply corrupted public health establishment. This scam has cost humanity trillions of dollars and tens of millions of lives and it’s not over. I believe that the death toll this winter will be catastrophic, especially for the vaccinated. Western Europe will be doubly impacted because of their over-investment in the Climate-and-Green-Energy scam.

Existing drugs like Ivermectin have proved safe and effective at treating Covid-19 – much more so than the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines”. We need to identify whoever made ivermectin illegal for the treatment of Covid-19, and who directed all the associated criminal conduct, try them and imprison them. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is already started a Grand Jury inquiry of the Covid-19 scam. British MP Andrew Bridgen has exposed the facts of the Covid-19 conspiracy in a recent speech to the UK Parliament.

The false propaganda of the Covid-19 scam is rapidly being exposed and the truth is becoming known to the general public. Those who choose to perpetuate this obvious scam will become increasingly isolated and discredited. It is alleged that Justin Trudeau has profited greatly from this scam through his financial interest in a BC pharmaceutical firm.

As I wrote to you recently (below), a competent government should act as follows to mitigate the grievous harm done by previous Covid-19 policies:


Every day of delay costs more lives of Albertans of all ages, including our children.

The immediate priorities now for the Alberta government should be to REDUCE THE HARM from the Covid-19 fraud:

- Stop ALL Covid-19 injections immediately; DO NO MORE HARM!

- Make available the best medical treatment to reduce harm to the vaxxed;

- Make Ivermectin etc legally available for treatment of Covid and the injection-injured;

- Reinstate and compensate those who were dismissed from their employment because they were unvaxxed;

- Reinstate medical workers and others who were persecuted because they spoke out against Covid-19 fraud;

- Investigate and prosecute those responsible for this heinous medical fraud.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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There is a Peter Halligan in Wales. I am not him.

I am a retired investment consultant.

I finished working in 2015 as the US Head of Global Fixed Income of Aon Hewitt Consulting where I was part of a team with responsibility for monitoring hundreds of fixed income investment managers of trillions of dollars of fixed income funds. I was also responsible for monitoring Target Date fund managers and Passive Investment Managers. Analysis of equity, real estate and hedge fund managers was also done on an ad hoc basis.

Each investment product of each investment manager is analysed across multiple dimensions (Business, Staff, Process, Risk, Compliance, Performance, ESG, Fees and Other) and requires detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis across each dimension. Each product is monitored every three months in detail as are all significant events.

So, having said that, you may wish to remove any reference to me, But I do agree with what you have stated.

I would perhaps add a sentence that deals with the future need to catch the inevitable progression of the toxic poisoning by the mRNA injections. These will develop in everyone injected and will progress to morbidities unless spotted and treated early, where possible. This requires a massive expenditure on diagnostics and research for treatments.

I hope I haven't disappointed you

All the best

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Not a problem Peter, because what you wrote is correct- I will remove the Wales reference.

Re your recommendation "...the future need to catch the inevitable progression of the toxic poisoning by the mRNA injections. These will develop in everyone injected and will progress to morbidities unless spotted and treated early, where possible. This requires a massive expenditure on diagnostics and research for treatments."

That is recommendation is included in my second and third points (above and below), but I could certainly expand as you suggest. I have already had some success curing mild vaccine-injuries such as chronic bleeding with Ivermectin. Several physicians have proposed treatment protocols and most/all of these include Ivermectin.

I wrote:

"The immediate priorities now for the Alberta government should be to REDUCE THE HARM from the Covid-19 fraud:

1. Stop ALL Covid-19 injections immediately; DO NO MORE HARM!

2. Make available the best medical treatment to reduce harm to the vaxxed;

3. Make Ivermectin etc legally available for treatment of Covid and the injection-injured;

4. Reinstate and compensate those who were dismissed from their employment because they were unvaxxed;

- Reinstate medical workers and others who were persecuted because they spoke out against Covid-19 fraud;

- Investigate and prosecute those responsible for this heinous medical fraud.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary


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