Aug 10, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Rolls-Royce is a British company and owned by its shareholders, not by BMW. The car brand "Rolls-Royce motor cars" is owned by BMW and, besides being allowed to use the brand name, has nothing to do with Rolls-Royce. Rolls-Royce is primarily making jet engines, large diesel engines and nuclear power plants.

To further complicate things, a significant part of manufacturing and development occurs in Germany, but not the nuclear part.

You may have noticed that Germany has decided to descend into darkness and abolish nuclear power altogether, in addition to having its gas supply being blow up. This country will become as dark a spot as North Korea in the near term future.

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Thanks for the assist!

I should have gone deeper into that rabbit hole.

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I'm always perplexed on how Hydrogen extraction costs vs Energy Value gained is so falsely portrayed. EG: 1 gallon water , add cheap convulsive to water Run a 3.2 DC current to water & Viola you have more than enough hydrogen to run huge SuV ,Truck etc for A MINIMUM OF A 1000.00 MILES POLLUTION FREE. DOUBT IT ? THERE'S OVER 300K SUCH VEHICLES ON THE WORLDS ROADS. GOOGLE DUTCHMAN ENTERPRISES VS US GOVERNMENT. THE GOVERNMENT LOST! BUT TO THIS DAY BLOCKS PRODUCTION OF THE TECH & KITS WHICH CAN RETOFIT ANY GAS POWERED VEHICLE.

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These make sense as a interim solution before fusion power comes to the world. Then we will be catapulted into becoming a Type 1 Civilization.

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