To many people are not taking enough notice, individualism far outweighs the collective probaby because our individual small worlds are to the individuals the big picture and in that exists the inability for many to see further, trying to look past that "small world" I suspect presents nothing much better than a blur, and as I was taught the brain can be very "lazy" at times and in complex situations with multiple conflicting information to process in short periods of time - even more so when no immediate threat is actually present - it very often can and does result in the brain taking the easiest way out, it no longer applies strict analysis and important details are no longer given the attention. An example is most would sooner spend 10 minutes being told what to think as a pose spending hours working out what they should be thinking 10 minutes on a news broadcast they will walk away convincing themselves they now have all the facts to make a considered opinion after which they will slip back into their own world and move on to whatever their personal interests happen to be. This method has obviously been taken advantage of extremely well along side the use of fear which unless kept in check like emotion will overrule true rational thought in many.
Anyone collating the data & information on Collective Insanity?
Yes I do know that there are the "Trickcycists" high faluting terms such as Cognitive Dissonance.
Darwinism at it's finest. Survival of the species. Get rid of the what evers they're called today.
I've just got out of my bed. Drinking tea & smoking cigs.
Still deciding whether to be He, She or It today! Andy, Andrea or Andthey?
What time is the Booster Rave? All the cool cats are going, baby!
To many people are not taking enough notice, individualism far outweighs the collective probaby because our individual small worlds are to the individuals the big picture and in that exists the inability for many to see further, trying to look past that "small world" I suspect presents nothing much better than a blur, and as I was taught the brain can be very "lazy" at times and in complex situations with multiple conflicting information to process in short periods of time - even more so when no immediate threat is actually present - it very often can and does result in the brain taking the easiest way out, it no longer applies strict analysis and important details are no longer given the attention. An example is most would sooner spend 10 minutes being told what to think as a pose spending hours working out what they should be thinking 10 minutes on a news broadcast they will walk away convincing themselves they now have all the facts to make a considered opinion after which they will slip back into their own world and move on to whatever their personal interests happen to be. This method has obviously been taken advantage of extremely well along side the use of fear which unless kept in check like emotion will overrule true rational thought in many.
My heart goes out to those poor babies. But then again, this is war, and the innocents always pay the heaviest price, don't they?
Okay Booster
Leave me alone and go get another booster
of Origin on Species Continual Evolution Proposing of Species the
So that's 2.88 million mentally ill parents and counting...