Haven't finished reading all links, however, this paragr from 2023 pwc report stands out like a sore thumb, reminds me of three univ. presidents that were barely or hardly qualified, two had to go, yes?
5. Standing up to intensifying scrutiny
Sixty percent of asset managers believe environmental, social and governance (ESG) expertise will be essential for their portfolio management team in today’s market—although the right talent has become increasingly difficult to find. Beyond this, the growing spotlight on AWM’s power over the economy prompts fundamental questions about such organisations’ purpose and relevance.
Blackrock is sometimes credited as managing 30 trillion plus. I’d certainly think that they were in that category. But they are scum and the sooner their trillions are removed from them the better.
Surely the arbitrary way they assign ESG scores amounts to market shaping, which is a crime. It is always striking how those who embrace far-leftist shibboleths such as DEI and 'climate change' manage to enrich themselves greatly in the process.
Haven't finished reading all links, however, this paragr from 2023 pwc report stands out like a sore thumb, reminds me of three univ. presidents that were barely or hardly qualified, two had to go, yes?
5. Standing up to intensifying scrutiny
Sixty percent of asset managers believe environmental, social and governance (ESG) expertise will be essential for their portfolio management team in today’s market—although the right talent has become increasingly difficult to find. Beyond this, the growing spotlight on AWM’s power over the economy prompts fundamental questions about such organisations’ purpose and relevance.
Maybe good old fashioned survival and greed will be the saving of us yet
I view it more as a return tii sanity - "lane staying"!
Blackrock is sometimes credited as managing 30 trillion plus. I’d certainly think that they were in that category. But they are scum and the sooner their trillions are removed from them the better.
Surely the arbitrary way they assign ESG scores amounts to market shaping, which is a crime. It is always striking how those who embrace far-leftist shibboleths such as DEI and 'climate change' manage to enrich themselves greatly in the process.