Ordinary folk in the UK combine their talents to produce a newspaper that pushes back against the Madness of King Charles and the chicken little, “woke”, green cultists destroying British society
From here:
The Light: Carbon dioxide has zero effect on temperatures – The Expose (expose-news.com)
There is a link to this 28 page monthly newspaper that demolishes all the BS that has been and is being perpetrated against ordinary folk by the wilfully ignorant monarch and his incompetent and similarly wilfully ignorant government.
Light-34-June-23-Web.pdf (thelightpaper.co.uk)
The link takes you to the latest monthly publication of “citizen journalists” that are not bought and paid for shills of big pharma or big anything. Just honest, well researched articles written with an open heart and mind.
There are too many green cultists, political freaks and whack-jobs in positions of authority that lack empathy, intelligence, numeracy and wisdom. Politicians supporting the socialist/Marxist/Maoist policies of nihilism and eugencis must be voted out of office, replaced with people with faith and commons-sense. It should go without saying by now that the health regulators that enabled the poisoning of the population must be put on trial for crimes of genocide and battery assault.
There are many points made in this latest monthly issue, but perhaps a series of questions best illustrates the issues covered. These are questions that strike at the heart of the socialist/Marxist/Maoist agenda that has infected every country. About what is being done to them by their government machinery WITHOUT THE AGREEMENT AND CONSENT of the (not so silent now!) majority.
Yet another template, for those in villages, towns, cities, states and countries to talk to each other (with a few hugs, beers and good food thrown in for good measure!)
1. Do you believe that there is a climate crisis?
2. Do you believe that covid-19 was a deadly pandemic?
3. Do you believe that lockdown was necessary?
4. Do you believe that the covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective?
5. Do you support billions of pounds of military supplies and indirect or direct involvement of our armed forces in the war in Ukraine?
6. Do you regard the tens of thousands of people crossing the English Channel and entering the country illegally as refugees?
7. Do you believe that it is safe for dozens of undocumented male migrants to be housed in our towns?
8. Do you support teaching of transgender ideology to our schoolchildren?
9. If you do not agree with any of the above, what are you doing to oppose such a policy?
10. Finally, what is a woman?
As with the US, the issue of illegal immigration has become ugly and pressing. The US may have 40 million illegal immigrants, including 6 million in Resident Biden’s term in the White House bathroom, but the UK has a proportionate problem. The UK has one fifth the population of the US and likely has one fifth the number of illegal immigrants – 8 million. These are not even counted, but an entire industry of providing open prisons to house the illegal immigrants has sprung up – in much the same way it has sprung up in the US and across Europe.
It is a multi-billion dollar industry, full of excited misery, fear and cruelty – and has revealed the impotence and incompetence of politicians to deal with it – at the expense of everyone in the country.
To conclude, despite their efforts to justify the prevailing narrative and policies of the political establishment, the MPs showed themselves at odds with many, if not most of their constituents. Although not directly mentioned, parliamentarians are pursuing Agenda 2030, a programme managed above national level behind a façade of democracy.
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Absolutely the same cultivated disconnect between politics and constituency across the West, and most notably in the Anglosphere, where it appears that the people are beginning to tell their politicians and the constellation of State, bureaucratic and 'activist' offendodron thugs they're an unwanted blight on society. The Finns, Italians, and French populace seem to be getting the idea quite well.
Thanks PH. The light was labelled very very early on with the DisMisInfoGanda nonsense of course!