Thanks PH. The light was labelled very very early on with the DisMisInfoGanda nonsense of course!

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Hi Peter, sooo easy to lose track of the economic roots, underpinnings behind a well-oiled and major media supported psyops campaign: numerous projections, repeated lies to be accepted as truths, and faked events. Don't know why more people have not viewed the latest Ed Dowd interview with Brian Rose on his LondonReal network about a week ago. Here's a link: Ed Dowd - Excess Deaths, State Control & Why RFK Jr. Can Win The Democratic Presidential Race - - https://londonreal.tv/ed-dowd-excess-deaths-state-control-why-rfk-jr-can-win-the-democratic-presidential-race/ - - forget politics for now, focus on fiat-based monetary system running out, failing and its forced collapse, attempting to place a variety of controls to distract then herd humanity over the globe. As always, follow the money and the constant background hammering of upsidedown theories turns to noise. Ed uses data.

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Hi Sherman, thanks for the link - which has many clips from the movie.

Yes, follow the money. Fiat money is not intrinsically bad. Digital currency has been around for decades, so has Central Bank Digital Currency. It was just not called that.

What has changed is the extent of control.

It has been known for millennium that the mob will always vote itself more money and that those with money will resist the seizure of their money by the mob.

A solution to this dilemma was money printing by central banks, to make up for persistent and large annual fiscal deficits that accumulate into piles of government guaranteed debt.

Another solution was to remove money as a store of value and medium of exchange.

Both solutions are an attempt to debase and/or wipe out the value of money.

Take Japan. Government Debt to GDP of 263% - the Bank of Japan owns 43% of that 263% = 113% of GDP. Here's the kicker. Taxes are just 12%. of GDP and its 2023 fiscal deficit was around 7% of GDP.

You can either look at these numbers as - a) the BoJ has monetized just under10 years of taxes, or b) the BoJ has monetized 16 years of fiscal deficits.

Either way, Japan cannot afford inflation or the economic growth that comes with it. Imagine a "normal" economy of 1-3% inflation and 1-3% real growth = interest and nominal GDP growth rates of around 4%.

Government debt servicing would be 10.5% of GDP v taxes of 12% of GDP - so wither the deficit of 7% blows out to 17% or, by some miracle, the tax take from 1-3% real and 4% nominal GDP growth has a huge multiplier effect.

Note that the Nikkei 225 peaked at just under 40,000 in 1991 and is now 33,000 after hitting a low of below 8,000 in early 2003.

That is the (fiscal deficit) path being followed slavishly by the US, EU and UK. All based on fiat.

What is my point? Well this. Private sector fiat is self-balancing and self- limiting. There are credit standards, default rates and continuous assessment.

Mob - government - fiat is not. Governments create zero value and simply borrow more and more money by making election promises they can't keep.

A collapse of the fiat system is a collapse of governments, everywhere, all at once. This means no health, no pensions, no welfare, no education, no defence - anarchy - unless the collpase is managed.

That means running fiscal surpluses of the same average 2-3% over the same number of decades - five - of fiscal deficits - by embracing the capitalist mantra that ALL TAZATION IS THEFT - usually by the mob. (No-one in the US in a household earning less than 65,000 bucks pays a red cent in taxes NET of benefits.

There's lots more to this of course. But.. solutions not warnings are required.

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Paying the Piper for digging ever deeper into debt may not be in the cards. Solutions? The latest joke is that Klaus Schwab left out a key phrase from his WEF slogan "By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy"; the missing phrase is because we will own it all". Few are "getting" this war being waged against humanity. "The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed to erase roadmap of intentions. As David Martin mentioned, the WEF holds 2 meetings per year, late winter in Davos, autumn in an alternating city in China. Estimates are 80 million Chinese disappeared sometime after Chairman Mao took control, many starved due to brutal govt Marxist/Stalinist policies. Is this a good example of a viable solution? We may be staring down that path if these climat-elites get anything enacted. 5G was developed as a weapon, destined to cause harms as more become electro-sensitive. Not anticipating a successful CBDC rollout either, revolts may occur. Many areas are simultaneously under attack. Some rats already abandoned ship; in the short term, we need a larger number to walk away or step down. Others are poised to hang on to power, do not care to review or learn a thing from the last 3 years as time is fleeting, prepping for rounds 2 and 3 to begin. Humanity is an inconvenience? This runs counter to Ed Dowd saying in a different interview that the wealth of nations is judged by their people. Something's gotta give.

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Yes. There are many issues.


Aside from the return to mandated fiscal surpluses of 2-3% per annum for several decades, these are my suggested solutions:

Set the old Roman ideals of "virtue and excellence" as basic pillars of the education system - these are aspirations as they cannot be achieved at all times, but striving for them is a benefit in and of itself to children and their (and our) futures.

This requires the removal of any and all reference to the DEI crap. Children should be taught to be proud of their achievements, not awarded "participation" trophies.

All discrimination - positive or negative is evil.

Round up and fly all illegal immigrants back to the nearest airport to their home country. Yhis has to happen immediately. Starting with economic migrants.

Adopt "broken window" policies for crime - that is, know that those perpetrating minor crimes are the ones that move to major ones. It cannot remain that less than 1% of crimes result in a conviction.

Abolish the House of Lords, replace over 700 members with a senate of 100. Reduce the number of MP's from 650 to 250.. Create a qualification for standing for Parliament that includes minimum literacy, numeracy and IQ standards - not set by universities, but by common sense.

Provide a rewards system for all people to replace imports with home grown products. From buckets to drugs to cars, there is no reason in this day and age that anything other than raw materials should be imported. Eradicating the trade deficit will also eradicate the fiscal deficit, since C+G+I + (x-m) is an accounting identity for GDP when C and I are constant (G = (x0m( )

The rubber hits the road to meet that 2-3% fiscal surplus.

All taxation is theft. Spending must be cut to the least amount possible.

Taxation should be reduced from the current 40% to 10% - working 2 days out of 5 day week for the State is ludicrous (2/5 = 40%)

half a day a week = 10% of a work week,

10% harks back to the "tithe" of old religions and seems fair to me.

For this tax rate to be applied, government spending has to drop by more than 90%

The release of "animal spirits" via independence, self reliance, reward for effort, rather than reward for "woke", virtue signalling, sloth, tax-payer "trough feeding" - will propel rapid rises in living standards, health care quality, education and pride in self and country.

So, if "Something's gotta give" those are my suggestions!

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After shouting and ranting to my poor long-suffering partner for the last decade and a half about the false flags, colour-coded wars for mischief and theft, insidious infiltration of weird ideas into our once friendly and tolerant cultures, I am ecstatic that finally people seem to perceive much more going on beneath the surface and are reacting at last, albeit gradually. It's taken long enough, God knows, I've been desperate. But now a slight optimism creeps in, still only 50-50 that we will win, but *maybe* ... It's a race against time.

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Hi! Without resorting to coercion or force. Please show this to you partner. May I hope help to explain a lot of the current capers.


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A very pleasant 20 minutes! How I admire these illustrators, beautiful work. Thank you!

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Absolutely the same cultivated disconnect between politics and constituency across the West, and most notably in the Anglosphere, where it appears that the people are beginning to tell their politicians and the constellation of State, bureaucratic and 'activist' offendodron thugs they're an unwanted blight on society. The Finns, Italians, and French populace seem to be getting the idea quite well.

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Living in N. Ireland the question of loyalty arises often. So in my heart I am pro British--then I look at the heads of the institutions I am to pledge my loyalty to and that is where head and heart begin to separate--King Charles, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Sunak. Johnston. Stammer

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