Here is the update of the reports published on VAERS, resulting from injuries and deaths sustained from taking the experimental modified mRNA and other C19 injections concocted by companies based in the US, like Pfizer and Moderna.
It was a big deal here in NZ that the Vax had to be frozen to a cryonic level such as artificial insemination. Perfect for parasite eggs etc.. Trypanosoma cruzi. was one identified, Dr Robert Young.
Mega Bombs and Parasites with Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Young joins us today to talk about the time bombs lurking inside of the vaccinated. Dr. Young is recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the world.
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It was a big deal here in NZ that the Vax had to be frozen to a cryonic level such as artificial insemination. Perfect for parasite eggs etc.. Trypanosoma cruzi. was one identified, Dr Robert Young.
Mega Bombs and Parasites with Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Young joins us today to talk about the time bombs lurking inside of the vaccinated. Dr. Young is recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the world.