That fine? Derisory. Peanuts. Not even loose change.

Laughable excepting the dreadful death & life changing injuries caused.

Thanks for posting.

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they get a slap on the hand. any fines goes into the government coffers. It is time weremove the corprate veil that protects the CEO's Then whie weare at it remove the protecton from government employees that cause injury to citizens. If proven intentional or a vote that shows connecton between any company and a representative the penelties shall tripple. They shall never hold another government position or provide or work for companies that provide information or data of any form to government American or forign. Exposer published of who was damaged and who they colaborated with and benafits recieved. all pensons recieved present and future shall be removed for both themseves and family. further penelties shall include all moneys collected and profits made shall go into a private fund that cannot be used or borrowed against by government.these funds shall be used to compensate or support any citizen proven to havebeen damaged by any person or company that was or is doing buissnes within the US. Any company operating on a treaty shall be revisited with new restrictons. It is time that We the people enjoy the protectons provided by our constitution. --------------- I, Grampa

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not enough retribution for the deaths, pain and suffering they caused

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We have not and will not take the Vax by any means or by any threats. I pray that the mRNA doesn’t transfer to us from others.

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Everyone involved in making the Vax shots , should be incarcerated and charged with murder.

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My MP's mother has recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor. I have sent her lots of info from early on re testing using PCR to which I received boilerplate standard reply and no further replies regarding info sent on deaths and injuries including "turbo" cancers being seen after injections. The fines they get, even big ones, mean little to them as they rake in billions.

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Great read, eugenics was not by accident. We all know that. Steve for president United States in the UK.lol❤️

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It appears the mRNA transfers to the UNVAXXED ( like in cattle, hence the term 'herd immunity'


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Oh no! I hope Albert will recover from the embarrassment of having these charges leveled at him! How awful for him! SARC. OBV. These sorry sob's will only be happy until they realize that the more people die and the fewer babies born means less $$ every year on year for them to steal by crapping out these shoddy "vaccine" products.

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I was just thinking the same thing! Maybe they didn't bother to think it through! Who will be around to buy their "prescription drugs" and jabs?

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