Thank PH. Chances of results being made public? Slim?

BTW Your Mr 10% Bombshell post's comments are behind a paywall lock.

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Thanks for the heads up. I use a dark background because of my eyesight. Unfortunately, the radar buttons used to indicate access to comments etc do not highlight, so I have to guess if I have clicked on the right ones. Looks like I did not in that post. Tried to remedy this, but I am still guessing if I have enabled comments.

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For some reason I was able to read them...?

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Since all of this was paid for, ultimately, by the governments, do the people’s have the right (researchers) to get this vaccine trial data - names- or client ID numbers, to do this research, check on these people. This nightmare cannot continue to continue. Are we really this powerless????

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Just checking that you know this was not a trial of C19 inJection - but of deliberately infecting with C19 virus itself?

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Yes, you’re right. I was off. But same anyway? Who paid for the trial of injections of the “covid19” virus into the people?

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Have you reviewed the data that Naomi Wolfe and Bannon’s group pulled together (3500 people many drs and lawyers finally now available on Amazon for 10.00) or Naomi’s website. This was the data that Pfizer wanted to stay sealed for 75 years. There are a lot of “missing” people results there too.

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Looks to me like it was the Imperial College of London - the same jokers that employ the guy who predicted millions of deaths in the first year of the pandemic using faulty software that produced different outputs from the same inputs - Neil Ferguson.

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Thank you for looking! They surely received government money for the trial, I would think based on all of the information on journal data that has come out...the narrative must be one way to get your grant. His was published - was it not?

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