This fella has wacked out unprofessional verbal expression and over exaggeration.

Booze and Blow combo.

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My personal experiences, a dermatologist kept pushing back my appointment after I had dreadful side effects from mold exposure and doing his light therapy for psoriasis- he was afraid I’d sue him & I just needed help, was too sick to sue anyone! And my merk drug rep cousin refusing to discuss why she forbid her daughters from taking Gardasil vax , Ruthless crew all around. ( Dr LaDuca in Auburn New York & Kim Holland out of Rochester area) oh & upstate university hospital refusing me biotoxin mold treatment based on my low disability income.

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Ack. Fingers crossed something positive happens for you soon.

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Thanks. A few years ago God blessed me with an integrative medicine doctor who is actually helping me heal! He left the system 20 years ago after his hospital told him to stop spending so much time with his patients.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I guess he will lose his job 😎😆 / on the other side ...let’s thank him for his „insights“..Now eben the non-believers might „believe“. BioNTECH claims they are the „inventors“. They book warp speed is full of lies and also eye open immorals ...

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