Anyone who falls for this again is beyond hope. Brain dead.

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How long would it take to flip the Bogus Covid narratives on a needle? Not nearly as long as most people probably think … I had to use the genre of fiction writing to show how this could happen.

I hope readers and Substack authors will share this article widely and that this story might reach the right mainstream newspaper editor and publisher. Those people COULD change the world … if they wanted to.


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Geert van den bosche was spot on when he warned of the coming catastrophe of severe illness and death that would befall those who took the death jabs. Things are starting to unfold.

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Keep getting those booster so those new variants will thrive.

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lol!! People still getting tested for sniffles 🤧 I think I had the Z.E.R.O.0.0.0 tested last week 😮‍💨🤧

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And OF COURSE as the vaccinated people (whose immune systems have been destroyed) come pouring into the hospitals - they will NOT be recording their vaccination status. This would expose the fact that the UNvaccinated are not nearly as vulnerable to this new disease. Or perhaps that the unvaccinated are not even affected by it!

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People are probably wondering why we are not dead yet.

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I was thinking the same about them. Maybe they need another year or two.

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Te he. All we had to do to NOT die from the latest "BUG (ee) man" was NOT take the death jabs;-)

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