Planet Earth – population 8 billion, in less than 20 years it will be 10 billion with the historic 1.2% annual rate of increase – what will happen to health and happiness?
A while ago, I posted this article:
Which had this table on land use from here:
The world’s population grew from around 6,2 billion in 1998 to 7.8 billion in 2020 and was fed using around the same amount of land of 4.8 billion hectares - call it 5 billion hectares and around 200 million square miles. The additional 1.6 billion people results in an additional 108,000 square miles of built-up areas – bigger cities and suburbs,
All these source numbers are modelled on computers – nobody counts or measures the actual numbers and adds them up, but last people like Our World in Data (OWD) make the effort.
It is worth pointing out the levels of world hunger over that 22-year period from 1998 to 2020.
From here:
Hunger and Undernourishment - Our World in Data
The “hungry” percentage for 1998 was 12.7% for 6.2 billion people and had fallen to 8.9% for 7.8 billion people in 2020. From 762 million to 690 million people – down 72 million people,
The latest numbers by OWD are for 2022, with a rate of 9.2% and 740 million people (using an 8 billion world population) – an increase of 50 million from 2020, though still less than the 1998 hungry population.
And then the Cult of Moloch instigated the scamdemic.
Using Brave Browser, we have these snippets:
· The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) reported a record 345 million acutely hungry people in 2022, a 25% increase from 276 million at the start of 2022 (snippet from 2022).
· In 2023, the WFP reported 309 million people facing chronic hunger in 71 countries (snippet from 2023).
· Between 2021 and 2023, approximately 735 million</span> people were undernourished worldwide (snippet from 2022).
The definitions between those compiling the data are different, but the picture is apparent. The forced government interventions thrust around 50 million people closer to starvation - with 2023 still suffering, though improving.
These numbers also need to be squared with statements like this:
How Many People Die From Hunger Each Year? (
“Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.”
From a top-down perspective, the combined wisdom of the human race has resulted in 735 million hungry people, and yet, the world has plenty of food.
World Hunger Facts & Statistics | Action Against Hunger
“There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet. Yet 733 million people still go hungry.”
Intuitively, this makes sense. A lot of food is unsold or thrown out in me developed world. S it beyond the whit of mankind to work out the logistics to convert this into nutrient/protein bars and vitamin dink to 750 million hungry people – beyond the effects of existing global institutions like the hopelessly corrupt, bureaucratic and inefficient United Nations and well-intentioned but under-resourced charities and NGO’s?
We have seen how the psy-op of the scamdemic resulted in trillions of taxpayer dollars of spending on useless lockdowns, masking ad injections. National governments around the world had no compunction in injecting 5.6 billion people with 13.7 billion concoctions during the psy-op (each dose costing at least 20 bucks and now costing well over 100 bucks a pop).
I guesstimate that the marginal cost of a “hunger pack” of nutrients is of the order of a dollar. 750 million such packs a day would cost less than 300 billion dollars a year. Why isn’t global hunger a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC – pronounced FAKE)?
Maybe the delivery of these “hunger packs” would require a military escort to get to the people in war torn and remote areas – it would be a better use of resources than fomenting wars that could lead to a nuclear holocaust, right?
As a first step, targeting the 9 million that die of starvation ecery year would cost 3.3 billion dollars.
Compare that to the trillions (8 trillion dollars across the world so far? S) wasted on the psy-op scamdemic, with its 31 million global excess deaths (17 million from the experimental injection and 14 million in collateral damage) from politically mandated measures (no science or medicine involved).
A quick note on human trafficking and the absurd “net zero” policies.
Almost all developed countries are bankrupt as a result of their economic ad welfare policies that they simply cannot afford, and which have resulted in mountains of unrepayable debt.
Human traffickers are piling on to this bankruptcy and porous national borders to increase the welfare and debt burdens of the already bankrupt developed countries. The developed countries have seen an influx of 3-5% of their populations in the form of foreign beggars – infesting every public facility, school, hospital, transport systems - all the infrastructure – all seeking money by displacing people from work or by committing crimes or by welfare theft. All this money given to beggars in the form of welfare could have been given to those who collectively paid for it instead. Hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars.
Madness - impoverish already bankrupt countries with tens of millions of beggars – notably in the US, EU and UK – making the poor and disadvantaged in those countries and regions even poorer and more disadvantaged. So sayeth the Cult, so doeth the sycophantic governments.
Net zero policies are mandated with no democratic process or accountability for the trillions of dollars spent, where no problem exists, and entire continents and countries live in poverty because they do not have sufficient energy to develop and prosper. The developed world has plenty of cheap ad abundant energy, so the climate freaks want to make it expensive ad scarce – at the same time that energy is just scarce elsewhere. Madness, The Cult wants to create energy poverty where one exists and leave energy poverty intact where energy is desperately needed. So sayeth the Cult, so doeth the sycophantic governments.
Lastly, we are, hopefully, we are in the dying years (literally) of the “vaccine cult” and the “cult of gene modification”. You would have to be an especially evil or stupid person to ignore the deterioration in health from vaccines, GMO foods and the human experimentation of modified mRNA and viral vector injection. These may have some initial impact on a tiny aspect of a human condition, but they have wide ranging and severe adverse effects on significant numbers of the population. They have been maintained because “So sayeth the Cult, so doeth the sycophantic governments.”.
And so, on to solutions. Th Cult says “inject, sterilize and kill off” the weak, the elderly and the vulnerable and reduce the population of 8 billion. Maybe to as low as 500 million over a few decades. So sayeth the Cult, so doeth the sycophantic governments”? The Cult places zero value on the human spirt, the hopes and dreams, capacity for joy and laughter, love and potential for collective happiness. It wants an interim period of excited misery to rid the planet of most of its what the Cult considers to be a human infestation.
There is an alternative. Planning can be strategic or emergent. The Cult has its strategic plan. It depends on misery, fear and conflict.
Without an alternative, mankind’s future will emerge along a long and winding rad.
I detail below an alternative. One that coordinates existing talents, resources to correct the criminality controlled by the Cult.
It is an opinion, and, like all opinions, everyone has them and like butts and noses, they all smell.
My concept relies on the creation of “countries within countries” in currently unpopulated and barren areas of the earth. A few major steps: firstly, ship the criminal migrants to, and secondly to cater for the few billion extra people who will arrive in the next 18 years or so. Call it Project 2043.
Second step. Build the countries from the ground up so that a few billion people can live comfortably.
Th planet has already coped with an extra 1.6 billion people by expanding cities by 108,000 square miles over 22 years – from 1998 to 2020. Human traffickers (under the auspices of the United Nations, collaborating with drug cartels and fake NGO’s) have trafficked 40-50 million young men f working age into the US, EU and UK. This is the starting “work force” for the new “countries within countries”.
Conceptually, these “starter cities” can be viewed as comfortable Gulags, but with aspects of labour camps – without the whips, jackboots, and torture chambers. They would, of course, be paid jobs, funded using part of the money that they are currently stealing from the US, EU and UK. Just half of the cost currently being borne by taxpayers in already bankrupt countries,
This work force will be made to supervise the creation of “starter cities” of 3D printed houses for themselves and the millions of criminal migrants stealing scarce funds from developed countries, and the installation of irrigation and sewage systems powered by the CO2 and water vapour that comes from the burning of natural gas. Countries made up of cities with 40 times the surrounding area given over to crops and grazing land – sheltered from the elements and protected by security measures – called borders.
Lots of work for expat criminal migrants to do laying down the infrastructure for the energy grid, irrigate ad swage systems plus building the natural gas plats that generate the CO2 necessary to grow plants and provide water.
Lots of work for bureaucrats to do something useful – maybe the UN could traffic, I mean, supply them from its resources and countries could supply tens pf thousands more.
Is this any harder than the objectives of space agencies to build bases on the Moon or Mars? The same logistics apply, only magnified and without the need to create a “atmosphere”. Mon and Mars bases must be self-sustaining, enclosed eco systems.
Where could these new cities be situated? The obvious answer is in areas where there are few if ay people.
The Australian outback is one candidate. Here’s some more sparsely populated areas:
This list neds to also cater for the extra 2 billion people coming by 2043, so land area needs to be considered and reflect the already existing natural resources.
Let’s say to be “comfortable” the end goal of accommodating 2 billion people is the same 108,000 of people in cities that housed the extra 1.8 billion people between 1998 and 2020.
Call it 100,000 square miles for cities and 40 times that in cropland and grazing, another 4 million square miles – but for ease, let’s say we are looking for another 4 million square miles as the space for cities is not that significant comparatively speaking.
Where on earth is this space?
Libya is 680,000 square miles – and since one of the High Priestesses of the Cult blew it up I a “Arab Spring” it is now a country in civil war, the stepping ff pint for migrants from Africa to Europe and a source of slaves, It also has massive oil and gas reserves, iron ore, gypsum and silica.
Libya backs into the Sahara Desert which is 3.5 million square miles.
The Australian Outback is 2.5 million square miles, of which the Simpson Desert is 58,000 square miles. Australians have a history of convict labour but are blessed with massive amounts of natural resources that are probably lying in “undiscovered country”.
The temperature of the Moon varies between plus and minus 120 degrees C, that of Mars averages around minus 80 degrees C. From very hot to very cold!
Siberia has a land area of over 5 million square miles, Greenland is over 800,000 square miles, the Arctic is over 10 million square miles and the Antarctic around 5.5 million square miles.
It is tempting to put forward the idea “Abandon net zero and all construction of solar panel farms and wind turbine plantations, onshore and offshore. These could be transported to the developing world and used to provide the FREE energy (barring maintenance) that they cost to run.
The sites could be selected, and the infrastructure and planning of the cities done – then the criminal migrants of fighting age men could be housed in the barrack “Gulags” and appropriate “weather prof” installations could commence for the crops and livestock.
So, the “Invisible Hand” of Adam Smith to solve the problems that will arise in an “emergent” fashion or the Cult of Moloch version or an alternative like the one detailed above, (but better!).
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We have all been lied to about EVERYTHING...we may not have 8 billion people on this planet. Who has done the counting? Who tells us its increasing? We have been fed the myth of over population where in actual fact there are huge swathes of earth around us where one would not find a single human being if they got lost. So, how do we know its 8 billion, could be 2 billion....lets look at the lies we've all been fed, from who, and why.
This is the most retarded piece I ever have heard;
A lot of food is unsold or thrown out in me developed world.
Can you TRANSPORT this food using SPARE ENERGY to build those planes, ships. Are you GOING to STICK a rig in foreign lands to extract those resources and minerals and cause those populations to DEFAULT so you can enjoy your stupid high standard of living? Are you GOING to stop BREEDING and desiring stuff so you can stop dumping your e-waste and bombing middle eastern countries and doing coups on Africans? Of course not.
DID YOU SEE THE 2018 figures for CONDENSATE liquids and fuels peaking? The billions of joy. WTF are you talking about. Bundles of joy my @ss. Eignt billion afrikkans and ten billion indianos do NOT make me happier in life. You know 95% of the planet has TOO LOW IQ to do HIGH tech work or anything useful or even keep infrastructure up without foreign AID and NOT to mention they NEVER stop breeding. We make them use COW dung instead of the resources underneath them like geological deposits, like the uranium for France because that is how things work. Your cult moloch garbage article never answers the question of the decreasing number of high quality mines, ores, fuels of high-density energy being in decline year after year and the lowered purchasing power. DO YOU KNOW IF YOU TAKE A LOAN OUT ON A HOME YOU DON'T MAGICALLY SPAWN AN EQUIVALENT AMOUNT OF MATERIALS AND ENERGY in REAL LIFE? Yet billions of HUMANS outcompete each other trying to get MORE claims on resources than the resources that exist that can be extracted. In other words, it is a game of MUSICAL chairs of idiots. Killing off the elites and blaming it on them won't change the fact that your NEIGHBOUR also believes in the BUNDLE of JOY. 80% of CHINA youth have zero future and lying FLAT because.... ohhh INFINITE human greed and pin yin tries his hardest to extract the remaining COAL to electrify the grid and whatnot to extend lifetime of his rule but the diseal, oil, and whatever? GONE. Yup, 10 billion morons like you believe that you can just spawn infinite humans and that will accelerate the geological processes to create more minerals and fuels that are high quality, high density and high availability. You know GOING deeper, requires more dissipation of energy and creating tougher alloys to withstand the pressures and heat. You know the NUTRIENTs get washed out deep underneath the soil to feed your costco chickens. Sorry, but people like you are ANNOYING. Human greed is responsible for their own deaths. Just because you can REFRIDGERATEE and throw out food doesn't mean you can just CROSS-SPAWN things half across the continent. NOT TO MENTION if you ADD UP ALL THE UNITS of arable and usable land, and then choose a PER CAPITA RATE of standard of living, and consider the REAL-TIME extraction rate of resources, YOU this article writer would have to shut up and mine the cobalt with their hands just like the african children do and MORALIZE like Norweigans do about going green when they dump their toxic waste battery stuff into the isles of third world countries.