Oct 12, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Mandates? We don't need no stinkin' mandates ... when 80% of the population eagerly flocked to the injection sites ... one, two, three, four times. Great article, Peter.

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Thanks. I have relatives that are being mandated to take a fourth does to be "up to date" so they can work in a health care setting in the UK.

I am just waiting for the phone call.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

it seems unfair that they can impose unconstitutional laws, make people follow them while it wends its way through the courts...how about a law that says nothing gets mandated etc. until the court issue is settled? Or if not, loser pays for harms done and isnt allowed to craft any laws ever again?

I know I"m being about five years old and whining but tis lawfare has to stop.

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"the process is the punishment" and the victim has to pay along the way, with maybe costs recovered. not sure who paid the legal bills for the plaintiffs, but the taxpayers paid for the defence. it sucks!

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Our reps take their lawmaking job seriously..its all they do. But they cant come up with anything useful or fair..so I think we need to change their job descriptions.

They can only pass laws that we the citizens come up with....i know I'm immature but i am so fed to the back teeth with them all

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At least here in the states, well, most of them, we have the right to defend ourselves with firearms if necessary, those "Democracies" like Israel do not, legally.

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