Oops! There goes another rubber tree....

So, it turns out that Nobel-prize winning pseudouridine is quite the slow acting poison. (Or depopulation agent.) Imagine a type of poisonous snake or spider who's bite doesn't hurt much at first, not for months, then Boom! The liquid in your blood has turned to rubber and you drop dead.

-Injecting ANY foreign or toxic substance into the body is absolutely asinine.

Allopathic doctors have been injecting drugs they know little about into bodies they know nothing about for far too long, and it needs to stop.

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BOMBSHELL REVELATION NZTSOS have uncovered a ‘Science and Insights’ report that was published by the Ministry of Health in Oct 2021, which totally demolishes the Labour Government’s narrative around the ‘grave risk’ that existed in schools and healthcare settings at the time. Because of this discovery, we now know that before the Health and Education mandate order was signed, the government had in its possession high-quality evidence that the risk of transmission in schools and healthcare settings was insignificant, and that the vaccination mandate was therefore totally unnecessary. There’s no easy way around the importance of this document. It’s the Ministry’s own contact-tracing data. It has a very large sample size making it highly reliable (over 11,000 education contacts were analysed), and it’s the most relevant piece of information that they would have had in their possession in relation to the vaccine mandate. It told the government that in Healthcare settings only one in 500 contacts became infected, while in Educational settings, just one in 1,000 contacts became infected. Yet, knowing all this, Hipkins went ahead and signed the mandate order that brought so much unnecessary pain and suffering on so many. Can it get any worse than this? Well, unfortunately, it can! Health and Education workers (NZDSOS and NZTSOS) went to the High Court in March 2022 to have the vaccination mandate order declared unlawful. The Crown produced sworn affidavits from four witnesses (Mr Hipkins, Ms Mackay, Dr Town and Dr Bloomfield), with Drs Town and Bloomfield being accepted by the court as ‘expert witnesses’. Now, there are very strict rules that control the evidence of an ‘expert witness’. They must swear to assist the court ‘impartially’, and also that they will tell the court if any part of their evidence is ‘incomplete or inaccurate without some qualification’. Drs Town and Bloomfield both would have known about this highly relevant MoH analysis, but they did not reveal this to the court. NZTSOS believe that by keeping this from the high Court Drs Town and Bloomfield clearly contravened the rules for expert witnesses, and potentially open themselves to a charge of perjury. Another Crown witness, Ms Mackay, also kept highly relevant information from the court. She correctly told the court that only eleven ‘applications’ for ‘Serious Service Disruption’ (SSD) exemptions had been granted, but failed to tell the court that one application alone was for 971 workers, and that by the date of her affidavit these 11 ‘applications’ covered a total of 2,833 workers – all of this while hundreds of other fine workers were being terminated because of what the court approvingly termed the governments ‘zero-tolerance’ approach. If only the court had known! NZTSOS is now seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court, and one of their claims is that these serious omissions in the evidence presented by the Crown’s witnesses has led to a ‘miscarriage of justice’. What can you do to help? Well, if the NZTSOS appeal is accepted, they’re going to need financial help, but that can wait for the moment. Right now, they need everyone who’s been affected by the mandate to help share this bombshell revelation. We need to make it difficult for the Supreme Court to quietly decline their application in the hope that it will just go away. So, can you write to your MP? Can you share this post with others? If we all do our bit to publicise this bombshell, we may yet succeed in holding to account those who have perpetrated this grave injustice.

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More glad by the day I never took any of these jabs.

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My mother was in a nursing home and had three doses, she died from a stroke that robbed her of the ability to swallow. We have zero history of stroke in my family. Cancer yes…stroke no. The first shot caused her face and lips to swell, the second her arm to swell the third …. 😡

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Very sorry your family had this happen after being told it was the right thing to do.. she likely had an anaphylactic reaction … though mast cell activation or histamine overload.. more common in females… she should have given an epi pen after the first.. negligent nursing home..

Get her medical history/reports kept whilst at the home …do not discuss why …you are entitled to them… then see an injury lawyer…it’s the only way to get people running these places to be responsible for their mistakes.

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Thank you so much, I will do that. God bless you for your help

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This explains the above process ..

Polymer induced precipitation….


Written in 1971 !

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Not white blood clots… which would mean blood devoid of red blood cells… it is much more likely to be PRECIPITINS.. google it!!!

First shot always sets the body into producing antibodies which do not cause a reaction UNLESS you caught Covid and recovered.. because you will have made antibodies to the virus.. which would cause those people to make antigens instead..it’s the SECOND shot in

most cases that cause precipitins because you make antigens .. these have two branches and one will “bind” to an antibody .. and the free branch the bonds to another and so on to form long chains of proteins.. fibrous strands that the body sees as a foreign protein because spike protein is foreign.. and like any foreign material.. the immune system tries to remove it.. or at the very least wrap amyloid round it to prevent further damage .. but revive shot after shot and you now have an overwhelmed system a clogged circulation of protein strands.. what utter stupidity that was easily avoided…. And preventable.. the time frame from first to booster was highly suspicious.. how did they know you needed to boost with two months.. they didn’t.. but they knew the likelihood of forming precipitins were at their peak .. criminal criminal criminal.

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