Presentation by Dr. Clare Craig on the treatment protocols used during the C19 scamdemic – damning stuff and that’s not the half of it!
From this 20-minute Dr Campbell video we have this covering note:
(23) Covid era deaths, Dr. Clare Craig - YouTube
The People's Vaccine Inquiry for Ireland, Dr. Clare Craig With Dr. Clare Craig, diagnostic pathologist and medical researcher.
Dr. Craig on SubStack,
COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig.
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Dr. Johathan Engler • Stone Summit: Stormont, Belfast - Ses...
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Dr. Ros Jones • Stone Summit: Stormont, Belfast - Ses...
Here ss the transcript of Dr Craig’s presentation:
Start of transcript:
we have just lived through a pandemic of fear and when people are in fear they look for a saviour and that saviour was the saviour vaccine
but before we talk about the vaccine we have to first of all ask a question of what (it what it was) could have achieved \
we can only answer the question of what it could achieved by looking at covid deaths
there are four types of covid deaths and we're going to go through each of them
the first were in people who were going to die imminently anyway
the second were medically assisted deaths albeit without intent
the third were over diagnosed covid deaths
and the fourth were people who died because of a virus
so first of all those are going to die imminently
Neil Ferguson went from saying that two-thirds of over 80-year-olds would need intensive care if they had covid which to lockdown to later that year saying 2/third of the covid deaths were in people who would have died that year anyway
to the second one was medically assisted deaths = they would “do not resuscitate” orders that were given out in a blanket way based on age or learning difficulties and that happened at a time when hospitals were not admitting anybody that had a “do not resuscitate” order
so all those people were effectively denied Medical Care
secondly it - care - was rushed and in Spring 2020 90% of the people who died of covid had never had ICU care
Thirdly, people who had pneumonias were not being given antibiotics
an antibiotic prescription fell through the floor
now we know antibiotics save lives so of course If you deny people antibiotics they're going to die and pandemic plan said we should have stockpiled them
next we had ventilators that were overused in order to protect medical staff and later on protocols had to be changed so people weren't being killed with these ventilators
and then finally we had end of life medications – Midazolam and morphine which were given in unprecedented quantities and we know that these drugs reduce a respiratory drive so giving them in people who needed that drive to stay alive would have caused extra deaths
so only when you've subtracted these deaths can you really see what the effect of covid was
then we had over diagnosed covid deaths and about half if you look at other data sources about half of the deaths diagnosed as Co at least half were over diagnosed and that happens partly because testing was far too sensitive
so a single aerosol 5,000 of millimetre in size containing three or four viral particles was enough to say somebody tested positive and then enough to say their death was from covid and we know that people who die of any cause. when you, if you swab them after death, half of them have a respiratory virus on board because their immune system was failing at the end of their life
so these were not real covid deaths
so now having subtracted all of those deaths we're left with the people who died from a virus
now even for them this vaccine couldn't prevent their death because they certainly couldn't have prevented an infection because
you need to have an immune system that's stopping the virus entering the cells in the respiratory system and these um vaccines produced antibodies in the bloodstream which might work for something like measles. which replicates in the lymph node but isn't going to work for a virus that replicates in the airway
Editor’s note@ John Beaudoin’s work shows that cause of death switched from respiratory in 2020 to circulatory from 2021 onwards).
now what all that means is that the trials didn't work and if you look at a different measure the antibody positivity in the people who were in the trial what you see is that the efficacy only looked at around about 50% um and what we now know is that people who are vaccinated only develop these post-infectious antibodies at about half of the infections
so if you take that into account you can see that the trials never really did reduce infection now um what we also know is that the first period after injection for two weeks at least the risk of covid is about 40% higher
so the immune system is preoccupied with trying to get rid of the foreign protein that the vaccine is making and then isn't able to stop you being infected with the virus
so all that really happened in the trial is that the people who were susceptible had their infections earlier that period was ignored and they created this illusion of success
everybody now admits that these vaccines cannot prevent infection
now what about serious illness well even in the trial there were thousands of people had to be injected to prevent a single serious infection and government data has since shown similar numbers with um hundreds if you're over 70 year olds, thousands in slightly younger groups and once you get into the very young you're talking about hundreds of thousands of people needing to be injected in order to prevent one single serious case of covid
in the meantime the trials also showed one in 800 developed a serious side effect so the chances of harm were higher than the chance of benefit and that is even in a situation where we know harms in the trial had been hidden in the data that was sent to The Regulators
so let's just quickly look at what success should have looked like
a successful vaccine should have reduced the levels of virus being produced on a population scale as measured by virus in the Wastewater in the sewage
but we've seen the same waves that are continuing
to this day peaking at predictable time of year and are of the same magnitude as they ever were
a successful vaccine should have reduced the percentage of household contacts who ended up with an infection but this stayed the same “before and after” vaccination it should have reduced the intensive care and death numbers now we did have a reduction from 20227
but that was due to the Omicron variant
and nothing to do with the vaccine but in the 2021- after the vaccine in Europe and the USA - the magnitude of the intensive care and death waves was exactly the same - it should have reduced
the mortality rate in countries that were vaccinated before they had their first covid waves but they still ended up with 400 deaths per million in those waves which is comparable to what we saw in Europe and is half what we saw in the UK um but omicron's half is deadly so where's the vaccine benefit and it should have reduced the percentage of people hospitalized with covid who died but that stayed the same
now what does failure look like
well what we saw was in Spring 2021 there was a jump in life-threatening ambulance calls that has not come back to normal since that jump happened just during the vaccine roll out -nothing before and nothing since - and there was only 15% of people who had had covid at that point and since then almost everybody's had it with no further rise
there was a massive rise in pressure in hospitals which was not seen with covid and has continued ever since the vaccines coupled with that were excess mortality which is mainly cardiac and has been seen in more heavily vaccinated areas and critically these extra pressures on hospitals and deaths of cardiac problems have been seen in Australia and Singapore and they had covid at a completely different time frame to the vaccines but they had these problems at the same time as everyone else
and we've seen record levels of Adverse Events in the reporting systems of conditions that are being backed up by surveys of the vaccinated
overall there's been a mass disabling event and to add insult to injury we've now got a situation where immune systems have been harmed by people who've had multiple doses of the MRNA and their immune systems have switched to ignore the virus as if it's just food or pollen
so just to um finish up I think it's important to emphasize that not everybody has been harmed - drugs that are dangerous don't harm everybody who takes them - that's never the case but a significant number of people have been harmed
so what we know is that 2% of people who took a first dose didn't come back for their second
why wouldn't you complete the course
2% of people who were injected and carefully followed up showed evidence of heart damage afterwards even when they had no symptoms and 2% of our working age population are now unable to work because of long-term sickness
End of transcript
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Yowza, I got some strange Youtube misdirect - This link to Clare's talk may work better for some people -