There's also Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark who has been talking about importance of clouds in climate for many years & did documentary on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SzMYVbbfxI "The Cloud Mystery" (52 mins) - worth watching,

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I found this awhile back. It breaks it down simply. MIT scientists sent it to the EPA showing the stupidity of global warming, my words.

Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’


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That was in my favorites and I didn't know it! I think I better start picking favorites haha

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I looked on the post to see if that was in there. When it wasn't I had to share. I love how they shared simple stuff we learned in school to disprove this stuff.

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Needed ? Simple, NEW IMproper-Ganda$ : GET RID OF THE DAMN CLOUDS ! 🤣 Right ?!

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How many times do we have to repeat that CO2 is .04 percent of our atmosphere....and it was invented by Maggie Thatcher to break the coal unions...EVERYONE knows it is bunkum.

What the hell is wrong with people...are they so incurious they just accept that the world is flat?

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