Pray for him

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are you saying it will happen in Rome? the Center of the Empire?

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Unconfirmed ,but it would be great to get confirmation: , Trump himself got I believe 10c back from Pfizer, for every injection made; this is from (former) US Attorney David Knight - it probably means every politician is in the pay of Big Pharma and why they keep pushing the vaccines program, they don't want to kill the Golden Goose which lays the Golden Egg for them, when they retire politics.

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well the previous attempts on his life were staged, performed, all theatre...so there'll probably be another one...all designed to manipulate the populace into supporting him.

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WE MUST THINK POSITIVE. Our feelings and thoughts create the reality we experience. THIS IS A PROVEN FACT!!!! In one experiment 1,000 people meditated on peace and crime rates around the world dropped dramatically. Source: A series called "Wisdom Teachings" at Gaia dot com. Sorry, I don't remember which episode. I pay them by the year to access all their content.

Again, it only took 1,000 people thinking together to change reality.

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This doesn't look nice.

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I too have a very uneasy feeling just as I did when he went to Coachella. I am a New Yorker. New York is not what it used to be to be an indoor arena connected to a major railroad hub is a perfect setup for a nut case (s) to be called to action. We are living in unstable and lawless times

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FWIW. I don't have a bad feeling. Yes...Trump needs to be extra, extra vigilant as we approach Election Day and afterwards, too. I had, as a counter example, red flags waving and alarm bells ringing when I heard about the Jan. 6 rally. I knew mischief was afoot, but people were so incensed and outraged that words of warning fell on deaf ears. When I saw "individuals" with megaphones urging the crowd to break through Capitol defenses in various video clips, I knew the gig. Didn't realize how corrupted DOJ was, though, and how much these people would pay.

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Please get this info to Wayneroot@gmail.com as he talks to Trump often. I will send, as well.

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Yes.. thanks. I need to always have triple screen size on - no shrt cuts!

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