Please see Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea's research on the clots and what they are made of:



"Nanotechnology and the Silent Holocaust In this interview I speak with Patrick regarding the Nanotechnology findings in the blood and the larger picture of Transhumanism. Medfive EDTA patented enteric coated tablets Ultimate Methylene Blue Full nutritional and detox support - Dr Tennant's Restore"

She has so much information it can be difficult to find her protocols ... good luck!

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Ardis' work is particularly important. Separately, I heard a podcast with the author of this book and the author calls "vaxgenes" (gene therapy attempting to immunize). Adverse effects. A critical review of COVID vaxgenes: Do you choose to understand? Pub. 2/20/24 by Dr. Karina A. Acevedo-Whitehouse (Author). Podcast link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mccullough-report/id1562849542?i=1000648845561

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Great interview. Vonfitms my belief that the vaxgenes were US military property until injcted!

I would have loved to have nailed the S1 anf S2 behaviours a little mre. It was briached, but unless I missed it - the difference between infection ad injection S1 and S2 comonents was glossed over.

Plenty on the modified mRNA dangers which was good.

I wuld have loved more on contaminats in the vaxgene prcess plus thoughts n how to diagbse, locate and get rid of clots - whether the McCullough protcl is unique to individuals aound the dosig of Eloquis or Nattokinase etc - especially if they are effective o the white fibrous clots that may be a pr-cursor to may (all?) adverse events, What the heck happens tothe clts once they are "treated" with thiners? Do they stay i our systems in dormant form r do we/can we excrete them or do they vanish!

I am thinking risks from each component of the vaxgenes - intended and contaminated/adulterated risks, lipids, endotoxins, SV40 strands, the unidentified compent i that circular schematic Kevi MCKeran shwws, frame-shifting

But well wrth the listen, thanks for the heads up!

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The maiming and murders have been going on for years. Obv way worse right now not to take anything away but certainly the HPV jab injected into trusting teenage girls came in at 2 injury reports per 1000 doses around 20 years ago and is hovering at about 0.8 right now. Injuries massively outweighing any benefit - I actually received documentation from a guy who started up an organisation after his daughter was disabled via this jab and the injury to benefit ratio was appalling! I still have the slides he sent. Hundreds of families have now joined yet the establishment turned a blind eye with a fake study used to justify the rollout. I've been thinking about how the world has been becoming more narcissistic (via Grannon, Vaknin etc) and the properties this would bring. We are seeing more outlandish protectionism day by day which is going successfully unchallenged. It seems a Zeitgeist is coming over and ppl are becoming unwitting footsoldiers for the establishment in this way. Is WEF deliberately pumping up narcissism??

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It wuld seem that organizations that have egomaniacs like Klaus "Ming the Merciless" Schwab and his cartoon sidekick Noah "Klytus" Harari are thought leaders for those that thin they have anything useful to day - and who are themselves narcissistic cartoon characters. Trouble is, only narcissists seek political offce - as do "stars" in the entertainment industry and MSM.

It is oe thig to strive for improvement, but wthout sanity and a moral compass, yu end up with Ming and Klytus.

I think we all feel god when we are praised and acknowledged. It's a question of degree. and validity.

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Was kinnd if hoping for better reports of success in the last 15 months!


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AWESOME work here Peter! I didn't make the connection on the kids and their naturally higher levels of melatonin! Nice tip! God bless you man. Fighting for my (unvaccinated) husband's LIFE right now. We thought we had this beat with the protocols for the hydrogels/graphene/nano-lipids, which DO help, but it keeps coming back, and now it's returned with a vengeance (worse than ever before). So it's clots, trouble breathing, and NOW these weird open wounds on his legs (near the clots). And of course we already know better than to go to the hospital. So we're doing everything we can right now. He is finally willing to take nicotine patch today!!! (After I got him to watch Dr. Bryan Ardis;-)

I just added MELATONIN to his supplement pack for today (AND FOR GOOD) after seeing your post today. Good "nugget" of gold here. THANK YOU! You are MAKING a difference in people's lives Peter. THANK YOU. Your efforts are HELPING real people in real time. NEVER forget this please.

God bless you my fine man!


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Thanks for that.

Fingers crossed for your man.

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Oh, did you know that a married man's life expectancy is directly tied to his wife's IQ? Yes. True. The higher her IQ the longer he LIVES.

I guess this might also mean that high IQ women don't like to murder their husbands;-)

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GREAT NEWS! He's improving swiftly after just a few hours with some new stuff. Gave him melatonin right after I read your post, and then ran out for nicotine patches. Also slathered some Fenben directly on the open wounds just for good measure.

The open (juicy) wounds are already drying out, and under magnification, it appears "somethings" (like tiny worm/fiber) died while trying to burrow OUT. So clean sheets now, and more of all the same. We are killing something, and it's trying to get out of him. The hard WHITE vein leading to one of the open wounds has turned blue again, and it's now SOFT!!!

This only took a few hours. Because I was doing so many things at once, it's hard to say exactly which one was the most helpful. I know something was trying to escape from him, and that he was already juiced with (internally) methylene blue, NAC, Nattinokinase, Fenben, Ivermectin, Vitamin C, D, etc..

He believes the MAIN "killer" of the crap was the Fenben, particularly on the skin/wounds. Oh, he's also been applying EDTA chelation cream for a few days, but it wasn't seeming to help the wounds, or his breathing problems. TODAY however, his breathing seems better.

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Well done. If you think your husband has 'Morgellons' then look at the work of Karl C. et al who has found Sodium Citrate to be very helpful. https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/

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Thanks for the info!

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Here is Bill Rice’s article on just those kinds of clots in the living: https://open.substack.com/pub/billricejr/p/stunning-claims-of-whistleblower?r=rq5sl&utm_medium=ios

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"I wonder if anyone has removed such white fibrous blood clots from the living. "

Apparently so, if the videos I have seen from various doctors are to be believed.

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Yes. I have seen several videos showing LIVE people having this crap pulled out of them in order to prevent immediate DEATH.

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I saw that in a substack too!

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