Charcoal and tannins, more natural treatments hidden from us. Irish Whiskey was once seen as a medicine too.

HEADWATERS DISTILLERY LTD. https://headwatersdistillery.com

AVAILABLE ONLY WITHIN NEW ZEALAND. Using organic ingredients where possible.


Our first batches of triple distilled single malt have been aged in virgin American and French oak casks. They have been charred to caramelise the sugar in the wood and to open the oak’s flavour. It lends sweetness and colour to our final product. Casks mature quickly in New Zealand’s hot climate and by absorbing Golden Bay’s fresh air, we found that our virgin oak casks mature from 18 months onwards.

What is the medicinal purpose of whiskey?

Whiskey can temporarily widen your blood vessels. In small amounts, this can help clear mucus congestion in your sinuses and chest, which lets your body better deal with sickness and infection. This effect may also relieve other symptoms of a cold or flu, like coughing or wheezing.

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The Scots call whisky "water of life" - but I am not sure they limit themselves to small amounts!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The Irish too.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

An apple a day will keep the doctor away.

Why? Because it's got quercetin in it?

"Quercetin suppressed the hyaluronan-dependent growth of M. tuberculosis complex in the lungs by inhibiting the hyaluronidase enzyme which utilizes hyaluronan as a carbon source for multiplication (Hirayama et al."


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Sounds good 🤣 NO, I haven’t. My neighbor was sick last year I will make sure to suggest this 😉 https://open.substack.com/pub/genevathatcher/p/hydrogen-peroxide-nebulization-and?r=ykqw5&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I would think a better choice would be using the fumes of Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil has antifungal and antiseptic properties. https://greenmedinfo.com/substance/tea-tree

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Tea Tree oil may be good, as you suggest. I'm always very careful with it, though, because it is very indiscriminate about what it sterilizes. Kills bad and good microbiome. I suggest it be used sparingly, and only for microbiological hazards that rise to the level of obliterating good microbiome as collateral damage.

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With any therapy or remedy, it's about dosage and being properly understood.

My only use of it is putting a bit in bath water, along with frankincense oil.

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Also, if using it in diffuser, keep your pets away from it, esp. cats. It's very irritating for them and if the vapour lands on their fur it can poison them.

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Yes. It literally gets rid of mold.

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I was watching roots last night. The old series from late 70's I believe. Anyways they mention several all natural treatments the slaves used. One had to do with chestnuts for breathing. Strange that this popped up today. Sometimes they let us hear what works. Like in some episodes if The Waltons and Little House On The Praire.

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I haven't tried this - but sign me up lol 😆

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