Quick question: if the CDC thinks it’s fine to inject pregnant women and babies over 6 months old – why does it think it is not ok to inject babies less than 6 months?
Let me say at the outset that it is an abomination to experiment on pregnant women and under babies, tots and children of any age – the C19 modified mRNA injections FAILED their clinical trials – approval was given using “immune-bridging” but not for babies under 6 months old.
Now that the CDC has reduced its credibility to that of a Western era snake oil salesman, it may be worth asking whether ANY of its advice has any basis in science or medicine.
No pregnant were tested in any clinical trials or studies prior to the CDC recommendation to inject with spike venom instructions that were known to be harmful to healthy adults – neither were any studies conducted in any 6 months to 5-year-olds.
Pregnant women and babies were part of an experiment - plain and simple. Top regulators are on record as saying, “we will have to see what happens to find out if the injections are “safe and effective”.
So why did the CDC/FDA think that babies under 6 months was a line they could not cross? They crossed every other line in science and medicine.
Note this from a “helthychildren.org website:
“For example, infants under age 6 months are too young to get the vaccine. Between January 2020 and October 2022, there were 265 babies under age 6 months who died of COVID. And that is why it is very important for pregnant and breastfeeding people—and all other people who are around babies—to protect the baby by getting vaccinated.”
The inference is that the mothers of 265 babies were unvexed and their babies died because of it. Not with C19 but from C19. No mention is made of the number of miscarriages and stillbirths amongst vaxxed pregnant women.
From here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 12/29/2023 – VAERS Analysis
What is the under-reporting factor for miscarriages (loss of baby sub 20 weeks) and stillbirths (post 20 weeks)? 20, 50, 100?
I cannot find an analysis of deaths or injuries for babies and tots 6 months to five years old. Hopefully at or close to zero.
At 6 months, the baby is deemed ready for dosing:
Baby Vaccines at 5 to 6 Months | CDC
Plus, a dose of an RSV vaccine during RSV season.
None of which have undergone clinical trials with a saline placebo, though have a control group of a previous “vaccine”.
Something happens to babies between 5 months three weeks and 6 months that crosses a “one size fits all” rule typical of socialist regimes and regulators that adopt the same philosophy for any individual. “We don’t care who you are, what allergies you have, what pre-conditions you have or your religious beliefs – you either take this injection or you will lost your job, your access to society and we may throw you I a quarantine camp – if we can get away with it”.
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Never mind the CDC .. what of the legion of "doctors" and "nurses" complicit with a process that defies rationality, whose education and professional training artfully dodges proper critical thinking and due scientific analysis of "vaccines" while simultaneously weaving their way around the real crusher, the (absence of) measures of effectiveness and freedom from enduring healthspan attenuating, BigPharma poisoning? /rhet
They did do studies. They just hid them. This is a great peer reviewed paper by Dr Steven Hatfill about all the corruption.