Surreptitiously, UK Gov reported in certain rags (2021) that if you wanted to take your name off their DNA database then you needed to do so by a particular date (about five days notice when i came across that info - admitting i have no idea how long that advice was circulating. I did opt out: And later learned all that data was to be shared with the usual suspects. The point i am raising is it is highly likely that long before C19 they were collecting DNA data one way or another, and indeed - imho, i think when they messaged you with the "YOUR VACCINE" invitation, they meant literally YOUR DNA specific mix. It is likely a 50/50 story one way or the other that some batches were more dangerous than others, because of manufacturing process as e.g. Astra Zeneca claim . Modern laboratories are highly computerised these days, and the technology used by manufacturers is capable of mixing vials as per instructions programmed into the machinery. Call me a Conspiracy Theorist if you must. Then there is the apparent issue that the vaccinated are hooked up to blue tooth, which i have checked out myself, and found to be the only explanation for what i am seeing on a device set up in the correct mode. Of course the may a form of scam too. However, why did MHRA advertise "urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed [ 2020/S 207-506291]

(https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:506291-2020:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabId=1) - note the date 23/10/2020. MHRA (a government agency) ; UK.gov. et-al refuse to answer to correspondence re why Ministers and Members were publicly saying the exact opposite to the spiel from the MHRA, given Millions in "Approved Grants" by BMGF.

You may also note a former Director of the Company given the Tender (GENPACT UK LIMITED) became Head of Microsoft Asia (maybe still is), while another was a Former Director of "Muslims For Secular Democracy" an OIC influence operation [currently Directed by friendly BBC racist Jasmin Alibi Brown.

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re: Important to investigate the Micro-chips that are being created in the brains of the vaxxed

Dear Peter,

In a recent interview between David Icke and a Swedish journalist, Nicolas Holmsten, titled "David Icke in Conversation with Niclas Holmsten" David Icke points out that the real purpose behind the Covid vaccines is to insert nano-particles that can replicate themselves and then organize themselves into tiny micro-chips that will connect each human being to the 'hive-mind' instructions being sent out by the tens of thousands of Starlink low-earth-satellites and cellular towers.

Many excellent researchers (such as yourself, Peter) are still focusing primarily on what's "in" the vaccines, what's causing the sudden deaths and the huge increases in cancers, etc. and these are important subjects to investigate, but they are also a smoke screen that prevents us from realising that the Global Cult's main agenda is to hi-jack our minds, by micro-chipping everyone.

Here's the link to this important interview. Please watch from 49 minutes through to 1hr 1 min:


Thank you for what you do!


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We do need control groups, but let’s look at cancer before we invest in looking for DNA corruption.

Using Ancestory data at this point is not a good tactic. It is likely to grossly underestimate the problem. We have so much DNA and very little will be corrupted, but it in some cases it only takes a little to have a big impact.

Our time and money are much better spent on gathering cancer and vaccination status statistics for everyone 34 years and younger. Cancer is much easier to find.

Pfizer just spent $43 billion to acquire a cancer research firm. Pfizer knows that there will be an explosion of cancer cases.

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Surely those who had an Ancestry or Family Tree DNA test pre-2020 to trace their heritage had full DNA tests and those could now have a further text to compare? But who would pay for such a massive worldwide test?

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This makes too much sense, so it's not going to be possible.

Besides, what Red Chinese plot would it serve.

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This is where a true control group comes in handy;-)

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

With the 23andme hack and release of data, including sequences, this may be possible

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Also Ancestry will have a DNA database.

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