Recently there has been a few opinions about the 6 foot rule....It came from Hollywood" etc. Lets pause for some clarity for a second. Number 1...just because Fauci and others are admitting that there was no covid science behind the policy...doesn't automatically mean its a policy that doesn't work....that's the automatic connection people are making in their head...but that's NOT necessarily the correct assumption. "keeping distance from a danger" is an actual legit safety protocol used by Industrial Hygienists and safety professionals. It is considered an "Administrative Control" on their fundamental Hierarchy Of Controls" It is also a common sense reaction that most of us have with a lot of things in just our daily lives. It is more accurate to say that Fauci and others took an existing safety protocol, made up the parameters for it and threw it into the mix. Administrative Controls are always stronger than PPE controls...and as such, there is plausibility that keeping distance from people had some kind of effect in various circumstances. The problem with implementing safety protocols is that they require a monumental amount of correct behavior in order to work. And we had non of that, on any level.

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Good point!

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...and also, it's a psychological manipulation because of the term "six feet under"..... if you don't comply, you or others might die...... fear porn.....I mean, marketing strategy...also, to prevent you from talking to others...isolation and no human connection/contact.....so it made it more difficult to talk and figure out that this is all BS and the fact that they are actually trying to kill us..... well played, murderers.....

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Interesting! Cross posted - haven't read Clandestine's stuff for a while..

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And the nano sensors need 6 feet apart for best working conditions 😢

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