"All religions, not just the Christian faith, face these issues that challenge their authority."

Religions do not have any authority. They are control systems invented in the dark ages. The majority of Mankind has now evolved past fairytales and delusions. Oct. 7 happened because of religious delusions. It was religion caused medieval and barbaric behavior. Millions have died battling "who's right" or the "truth." It's all fantasy, infected at a young age. 98% never chose their religion - they inherited it before they could even reason. It's a dreadful scheme to control people.

Religion is Mankind's worst Invention.

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British Columbia has beat them to it, but of course they only have jurisdiction here. The government still requires you to have two shots and a booster to work in health care - we lost a good 10% of medical workers right there.

And now? They've just passed a new law. Since the government is omniscient, it will now dictate all medical treatments, as well as all advice given to patients. Stray from the government guidelines at your peril - you'll be stricken off.

This is madness. And soon? We'll have no health care system at all - though I'm certain there will be trained robots to give us our mandated shots.

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Religion was an Ancient Greek and Roman way of controlling the populations....

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With the Persians getting in on the act a little later. And there you have it, the three "Abrahamic" religions origins explained.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Not too much longer and God's Kingdom will take over and remove ALL manmade governments AND wicked people.

Then God will impose his Kingdom Rule, by Jesus Christ, his anointed King.

Then we will no longer have to worry about these wicked rulers, because they will all be gone.

They can repent(change) and be saved if they turn to Jehovah God the Almighty.

Everlasting life, in perfect health on a peaceful, paradise earth is what we are looking forward to.

All promised by God in the Bible and God, does not lie.

If you want to learn about this FUTURE righteous government, here is a link:

The Bible Gives Hope


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