It is time we demand our states to look into the business charters of companies that are service orientated. every day we see new restrictions upon citizens bur companies are free to run rampant with their actions. a corporation is equal to any citizen in equality. this includes laws that apply to citizens. government has penalized citizens for refusing service then it must be so for corporations. they shouldn't enjoy the corporate vail when they violate citizens rights--------- I, Grampa

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I think the only solution is to stop participating in all the ways the globalists are trying to control us. No to digital ID’s, obviously NO to medical mandates, NO to CBDC’s...get out of their banking system and into private digital assets...this will take time but real solutions are being developed. For now, take your $$ out of the banks.

As for Dr. Mercola, you know when you’re over the target when you are being attacked, deplatformed and de-banked.

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I can report today in a call to Mercola.com the customer service person told me Mercola has gotten his accounts back but it was a big battle. How will that be for small fry who are politically engaged and speak out against Big Pharma or the Ukraine debacle or any of the other ones ongoing and in future? Time is now to push back on this totalitarian move. Voting is not the answer as we do not really chose our candidates. A public outcry must be raised with letters, phone calls, street demonstrations (peaceful and legal ones).

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Hi tanya and Peter, this article was also updated, noting the last paragraph where a recent Florida ruling has it illegal for banks to close accounts for no reason...

Retail health company has Chase accounts suddenly terminated, owner critical of COVID vaccines, FDA. https://flvoicenews.com/retail-health-company-has-chase-accounts-suddenly-terminated-owner-critical-of-covid-vaccines-fda/ - -

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The flare has gone up - let's see if it becomes a national story or is limited to just a few branches.

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Great news, thanks.

I wonder if it was a rogue political extremist in the bank...

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Glad to hear Dr Mercola & co. were able to get their accounts back - thanks for that news

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

...and the Freedom Convoy organizers and some of the donors in Feb 2022.......lest we forget.....Trudeau was the leader in all of this....

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Just like Nigel Farage, and this is not a coincidence.

It will become commonplace.

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Great news!!!

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

For now, yes, since it will allow Dr Mercola to get out of Chase at a time of HIS choosing - which I sincerely hope he will.

This is an outrage, as is the attempt to associate the Mercola operation with shady dealings in ‘an account’. Absolute bull feathers, just like the lies about Nigel Farage.

A boycott of Chase is fully warranted. They are not fit for purpose and no longer merit anyone’s trust - if they ever did.

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Been there, done that. We who are US citizens or otherwise claimed by the US and live outside the US have been dealing with financial lock out OR having all our finances reported to the US for over a decade. We have been trying to both engage the aid of homelanders and warn them for as long. Our pleas and warnings fell on deaf ears and now you have to deal with this madness too.

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