Fyi Peter, my unvaxxed blood.


Started videoing after watching this attach itself to a red blood cell and the cell "turned off". Just stopped reflecting light, like it was chemically altered or damaged.

Would be nice to have a doctor or scientist or hematologist give an actual opinion but it appears curiousity has evaporated in THE science

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Reminds me of the comparison between vaxxed and unvaxxed blood from Germany in December 2021

(I am unvaxxed also and have never been tested).


Skip to four minutes for the comparison between unvaxxed and vaxxed, but although the translation is poor, the whole thing is worth a watch.

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Thanks Peter it is a good video and one of the reasons I became curious enough to start testing. Personally i believe that everyone is vaxxed and the "herd immunity" our governments parroted was really herd saturation.

May have had some success damaging the "shedding " if thats what it is but needs more testing. Saw a video where Dr David Nixon said that colloidal gold had destroyed the structures so introduced that into my protocol.

I tentatively believe the shedding is the lipid nanoparticles and I have a photo in which the bubble of it is emptying into a fibre in my blood.

Of everything I've tried the colloidal gold is the first time I've seen a change and what appears to be damaged shedding.

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Interesting. Fingers crossed that the price of gold does not sky-rocket!

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Tbh its early days Peter and one unusual blood result doesn't mean much. The colloidal gold is cheap as it is in solution, I'm mentioning it because IF it does prove to be effective then the price will skyrocket and it will become scare.

Harder to make than colloidal silver but still readily available. Everyone should be on a good Natto kinese supplement to offset the spike protein harms.

Keep up the good work from Western Australia Peter, good luck

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To you too.

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Thanks PH. Surprised? NOT.

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Order of magnitude. Nothing new. Not the publicity nor the silence.

'For there appears a cumulative excess death above the 2015 - 2019 annual mean (oecd.stat) of more than 2 million dead people in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, US and UK.'


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Good stuff!

Cross posted. Hope that's ok.

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

The sole goal is to enhance awareness ~ thank you.

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You are welcome. Your contribution is important.

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One more thing that nobody will do anything about. Protest at CDC, protest at Pfizer, something. I'll join.

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Surprised?....not to the Big Pharma guys...they knew this would happen all along...and what this number does NOT show is all the future deaths and disability going forward...there is little question given the Pfizer documents ...they knew all this in advance and wanted to keep it secret for 75 YEARS !!

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This is unbelievable....and Novak Djokovic still can't enter the country....so much for "follow the science".

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

And then there is what used to be our southern border where no one is getting 💉. 🤔

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

While you are 100% correct. It's been proven "through scientific means 😉" that nearly ALL governments who went along with the COVID-19 vaccination scam will still recommend the vaccines. But some are coming around. Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Federal Minister of Health has admitted to the adverse events. Not only that, he has admitted that they knew the numbers of adverse events would be high from the beginning.


At this point I don't understand how anyone can seriously think that public health officials -- are officially for "public health."

Public health says, "We're sorry that we pushed you to take an experimental vaccine that has basically guaranteed your quality of life will diminish prematurely. We're also sorry that you're life expectancy has been greatly reduced. But we're here to help, just in case you need us..."

What's really happening is that governments can no longer hide the data. Too many people personally know someone who's been vaccine injured. The jig is up!

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We must not forget about all those throughout the medical profession who push this scam/scheme onto the population of the world ....and those who want to do it again thru the WHO so-called treaty with the Biden cartel and the anti-USA CDC and FDA/HHS.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

And the “vaccines” aren’t finished yet, in fact far from it.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

It isn't just Europe, but glad someone finally publicized this...

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Correct. I think it is far worse in India, but maybe not quite as bad as in the US

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