Aug 3, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Trump and RFK Jr. need to team up for the sole purpose of destroying the deepstate destroying America. Teaming up would show it's not D vs R, which the deepstate wants, but instead us vs the deepstate.

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Yep. There would be problems with this but..

The House and Senate to monitor and approve an amalgamation of Executive and Legislative powers - with the current veto powers to receive plans from

A strategy council - not a hidden star chamber - of transformational leaders with a team of 100 people that filter the best ideas from the grass roots for discussion at all day meetings once every three months

and to monitor implementation of plans

A tactical council - again with public monitoring and input - of transactional leaders - those with skills in logistics, technology and quality control - with a team of another 500 for each critical aspect identified by the strategy council.

sort of like - keep the current representative process but remove the uncoordinated pork barrel omnibus bill set by reps with no expertise in the areas being regulated/legislated.

elected reps with a WEF style planning and implementation style, accountable to Congress.

probably means a loss of the power for Executive Orders as well as the slipping in of pork.

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'This appears to be an organized attempt by world order players designed to destroy the one nation of hope in the world which is the United States of America."

All for International Communism in the name of Democratic Socialists, and the WEF's 'Reset,' and the NWO and the ILLUMINATI and (add whatever group you want).

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Yeah, but it's all for "the greater good".

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