Right Whales – Destroyed for the Wrong Reasons – How “Climate Freaks” are Eradicating Entire Ocean Ecosystems Whilst Charging Consumers 5-6 Tims the Price for Electricity from Offshore Wind Turbines
Time to choose which future we get. Either one or the other, The choice on the left costs nothig extra – the one of the right increases your electricity bill by 6 times and destroys an entire ocean ecosystem the size of a couple of US States – including that of the one on the left – who will go extinct.
Several court cases will be heard in the next few weeks, seeking to stop the construction and deployment of as many as 300 or more 1,000-foot wind turbines along the northeast coast of the US.
In its usual fashion, the lunatics that have taken over the once smart and proud Democratic Party are the cause of the destruction of plans for the sourcing of already obsolete “renewable energy” in a futile attempt to change the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere from an imagined future 0,05% to 0.04%.
As usual, the climate freaks are oblivious to actual science and evidence and have been using behaviour modification techniques on everyone from politicians to school children – aided and abetted by the propaganda cartel in the MSM – to line their pockets and virtue signal their ignorance as “settled science”.
The there is the other tool used by climate freaks within the governments of the world ad their shiny trouser bottomed bureaucracies.
Censorship. No public debate is allowed, and no funding is given to any scientific discourse or research that does not support the climate party line – funding is plentiful if the climate freak party lie is followed.
Sound familiar? That’s because it is. These are the same tactics employed during the C19 scamdemic and the invasion of the US using the trafficking of huma beings. All funded by already bankrupt jurisdictions like the US, UK and EU. Same MO, same objective – steal taxes and increase debt until the “State” collapses.
We are still under the influence of the massive undersea eruption of Hunga Tonga that flung billions of gallons of water vapour into the stratosphere – water vapour, clouds and the Sun are the drivers of climate – not CO2. Did the explosion of the undersea volcano in the South Pacific have an impact on the polar vortex way up in the Arctic? Don’t ask the “scientists” at the UN’s IPCC – they cannot even model past “climate change” let alone seismic activity.
Here’s some background on Hunga Tonga that erupted in January 2022:
There are maybe 2-3 years of effects still left of the Hunga Tonga effect that caused recent spikes in temperature across Europe – spikes that the climate freaks – led by the Portuguese communist pretending to be UN Secretary General, António Guterres – to claim, “global boiling”.
Let’s get back to the slaughter of the endangered Right Whale – it is called that because when whaling was a source of energy, it was the species that spent most time at the surface and when harpooned and drowned – it stayed on the surface, allowing easier hauling to whalers for “processing”.
Headlines like these are common.
North Atlantic Right Whale Updates | NOAA Fisheries
“Dead Right Whale (#1950) Off Virginia - April 4, 2024”
NOAA is concerned about the siting of offshore wind turbines. So are people up and down the east coast of the USA – of all persuasions.
Here are a few links from people fighting to stop the extinction level event for Right Whales.
Wind Industry Activity Strongly Correlated With Whale Deaths, New Study Finds — Save Right Whales
Here is a link to the excellent team o their rebranded “Climate Realism Show” which discusses what is going on in depth – once they have the latest climate freak BS for the week. (67 minutes).
Save the Whales, Kill the Turbines – The Climate Realism Show #104 (youtube.com)
“On episode 104 of The Climate Realism Show, we explain that to save the whales we need to kill these growing large-scale offshore wind projects.
These so-called “wind farms” are much larger and do much more environmental damage than most people realize.
Covering an area the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined, one project off the Mid-Atlantic poses an existential risk to the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. That is just one of many ocean mammals harassed and killed by these projects that will, at best, provide unreliable and expensive energy.
Remember when “save the whales” was the cry of the environmentalists? Now they are fine with a spike in dead whales washing up on our Atlantic beaches as long as the “green energy” agenda continues apace.”
From the video, the full extent of the massive rise in taxation – hidden behind rises I electricity prices – is revealed.
Leaving aside the massive environmental noise and other pollution from the construction of the “bits” of the wind turbines onshore, before floating out to the permanent sites 15-30 miles off the coast – where several years will pass of massive pile driving to secure the base of the turbines – once constructed, the wind turbines create massive amounts of undersea noise (“Whomp, whomp” go the turbines) – they also remove oxygen from the sea water, creating a deserts all around – where all the food needed by many species – not just Right Wales, Dolphins and fish are also impacted.
There are Federal regulations preventing the assault and killing of endangered species like the Right Whale.
Again, we run into the standard MO of climate freaks in the Democratic Party (they are not a government, elected by popular vote – they are a criminal cartel that has infected Congress). - all their actions are ULTRA VIRES.
Endangered Species Act | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (fws.gov)
There are probably provisions in the Animal Welfare Act | National Agricultural Library (usda.gov) as well.
Once again, we see decades of checks and balances, laws and regulations simply cast aside by morons. Just as in the scamdemic and the southern border.
Here’s how the scam hits every resident o the east coast (and everywhere else where climate freak “greens” operate).
First, the “authorities” contract to buy the electricity from the wind turbine companies at 5-6 times the price of that supplied by hydrocarbon ad other producers. Say 120 bucks/kWh rather than 20 bucks.
The wind turbine companies – mostly European – have worked out the price for a profit.
The “authorities” steal billions of dollars from the “pork barrel” (whale barrel?) policies embedded I the “Inflation Reduction Act” to pay for the construction and installation of the wind turbines.
Ay protests by local fishermen or residents are “bought off” by the Federal government with cash or sponsorships of “youth centres”, “libraries”, extra facilities (fully staffed by the “woke” groomers).
Federal subsidies and bribes at the Federal level – once these run out – electivity bills inflated 5-6 times by the supplier.
This has already happened across much of the EU and UK.
Here’s a little nuance.
Most of the wind turbine companies are European and priced their supply based on market conditions several years ago. They are now going broke because material, transportation, insurance and interest rate costs have “blown” through the roof. They are asking for much, much more I taxpayer funded handouts in order to continue.
Except one company. Dominion Energy.
This company worked out a deal whereby it could pass o rising costs to the sponsoring local “authority”.
A socialist/communist government controls the means of production. Ay costs to the consumer are a form of tax. We not only have health and education poverty caused by government, but we also now have rampant and growing energy poverty.
As with any and all “government” policies – those I charge operate under the mantra of “it’s only money and it’s not mine” – and so will pass all the rising costs that are putting the European companies out of business squarely o the shoulders of “consumers”. Hence this is analogous to a tax increase. Costs are recovered from people = tax.
US household electricity prices are headed 5-6 tomes higher – just as health and education prices have done already.
Athe proof of the pudding or burger of the folly was seen in California this week with the increase in the minimum wage for fast food wages to a MINIMUM of 40,000 bucks a year.
Remember, politicians are people. As with the general population half are above average and half are below average in quality. They make seek to erect walls around their homes and get taxpayers to fund their protection – but the selection process for these candidates is an abysmal failure. We don’t get the best of us to represent out interests – we get the people the extremists want us to decide between. The choice is always between a giant douche ad a turd sandwich and the “bright ideas” that they come up with. The smaller the government’s role in life, the better off everyone is. The Democratic Party just loves big government and hence its failures are always catastrophic.
From education, through health, through the military, border, policing etc – monumental failures.
Taxes during Resident Biden’s term are up – national debt has increased from 21.6 trillion bucks to the current 34.6 trillion bucks – rapidly running up to 35 trillion.
What could have been done with those extra taxes and 13 trillion bucks? Cured how many of ills and lifted how many out of poverty, rebuilt how much infrastructure, how many crimes prevented, scholarships awarded, rivers and lakes cleaned up? As it is – NOTHING has bee “built back better” – nothing.
This is the price of socialism – debt ad taxes until a complete collapse occurs.
The Right Whale Lament
· Every day I wake up, then I start to break up,
· Lonely is a whale without love,
· Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out,
· Lonely is a whale without love
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NONE of their "sustainable development" agenda items have anything to do with "saving the planet."
All of this is about death and destruction, not only the death of humans, but the death of ALL life forms on earth.