Just to defend myself and other British people, the licence fee is required to watch LIVE tv of any sort and sadly goes towards the British Bullshitting Corporation. Last century they had vans driving round pretending to detect if people had a tv(which they couldn't) and they issue heavy court fines and can literally send people to prison. The only reason the licence fee hasn't been stopped is because both sides of government use it for nefarious purposes (for instance BBC media action taking control of the media in Ukraine) and people have been naturally scared of being caught. Even now most people still want to watch the odd live bit of tv and if your tv can be seen from outside you are vulnerable.

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Yet another smoke & mirrors "operation" is being shown for the evil that it really is. GOOD.

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Wait. EVERYONE is required to pay the $200 every year for the BBC???

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Well, every household with a TV set. So I misspoke. Still BBC viewership is taking the same path as CNN - the success of Sky and other channels is testament to that.

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So, if you choose NOT to own a TV, you don’t have to pay the BBC tax???

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