Russell Brand takes a hatchet to a few more lies told by Democratic Party politicians – Trump eeds to fd ways to entice 20 million Americans back to work
Fun fact - Biden’s name was mentioned twice at the RNC convention, Trump’s name more than 700 times at the DNC convention. Democrats are masters of uttering “hate speech” and using “words as weapons”!
From this 10-minute video:
.. They're Lying About Project 2025 (
Russell highlighted the massive 818,000 revision in job numbers by the Bureau of Labour and Statistics (denied as a Trump lie by Biden’s Commerce Secretary of all people!) and a brazen lie about Project 2025 authored by the Heritage Foundation – both of which were used to smear Trump.
As a reminder, knee-pad Harris, the cackling dolphin, is endorsing the Biden budget for next year.
Back in April 2024 I took a look at Biden’s budget numbers ad compared them with Trump’s pre-scamdemic numbers.
Here are Trump’s budget numbers – pre-scamdemic for 2025 from his 2019 projections compared to Biden’s 2024 budget numbers for 2025 published in April.
Trump’s 2019 budget numbers for 2025 on the left and Biden’s on the right. These may be have bee revised as more data has come in since April 2024 - an increase of 33% over the resident’s term squatting in the White House.
The outlays (“Spending”) numbers in both cases have no C19 effects. You could adjust these numbers by the inflation caused by the profligate and wasteful spending of the Biden junta, but spending has increased from Trump’s expected 5.5 trillion bucks to 7.3 trillion bucks.
This extra 1.8 trillion bucks has nothing to do with C19 and its associated scams. It represents the increased spending for a single year, 2025, by the Biden junta.
The spending could have reverted back to the levels projected by Trump, but instead have persisted at huge levels because of the costs of illegal immigration, higher interest costs on debt and spending on “net zero” policies.
Enquiring minds want to know what Trump plans to do about the extra 1.8 trillion in spending every year that the illiterate, mathematically challenged and kakistocratic Democrats have landed him with, should he win the POTUS election
The debt clock for the US is accelerating way beyond 35 trillion bucks – more than 100,000 bucks for every man, woman and child (and whatever identity challenged person) and almost 250,000 bucks for the nation’s 144 million taxpayers (half of whom get welfare benefits that offset all their taxes).
Trump has the task of increasing taxes as well as reducing the money wasted on illegal immigration, “net zero” and the lingering fraud from the scamdemic.
He needs to raise revenue/taxes. He can do this by removing the regulations that restrict the creation of jobs and a few other things.
Check out this chart of labour force participation rates over time.
Labor Force Participation Rate (CIVPART) | FRED | St. Louis Fed (
The US working age population is around 207 million people. Trump could set an objective to first return the labour force participation rate to levels prevailing prior to the Obama years of a roughly 3% higher participation rate and go for a number closer to 70% by the end of his term. Here’s a few data points.
Booting out 15 million criminal migrants, reducing regulations and achieving a 75% labour force participation rate would reduce welfare spending as well as increase the tax take. Every 1% increase in the participation rate enormous multiplier effect on increases in revenues and reductions in welfare spending.
I guesstimate that an increase of 10% would result in at least a trillion bucks in taxes (even at lower tax rates) and a half a trillion reduction in welfare costs.
Trump needs to articulate a vision where 20 million Americans are enticed into the labour force to improve their standards of living without having taxes being paid to criminal Democratic Party operatives..
Ambitious? Well, yes of course. It is an aspirational as well as an inspirational goal.
Personally, I would take a leaf out of the dolphin’s book of “where’s my fish” and accuse the big tech ad big pharma companies of price gouging and anti-trust laws to bring down their profit margins of between 25% (Apple) and 65% (Nvidia)!!!
Add the reductions in spending from rolling back net zero, evicting the squatting illegal immigrants and the end of scamdemic spending and it is entirely possible that the US can repay large chunks of the US national debt by running fiscal surpluses.
35 trillion bucks at 4% interest costs 1.4 trillion bucks a year to refinance.
Back in 2018, national debt was 22 trillion bucks, costing less than 900 billion bucks at the time with roughly similar ten year US government bond yields of 3.8%.
The interest on national debt alone is sufficient to bankrupt the US economy if the debt is not reduced to around 15 trillion bucks at a maximum.
Fiscal surpluses of around 2 trillion a year for ten years are needed.
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The party's name is "Democrat" not "Democratic." There is nothing remotely "democratic" about the Democrat Party aka Uniparty.