Sage Hana is dropping some truth bombs - hey, maybe Bergamo, Italy plus New York (plus the Queensland coast?) were "crop dusted" with synthetic snake venom!
Unable to cross-post, so link to Sage’s SubStack article here:
“…and I’m not saying this one is a fake pandemic, because it isn’t…” (
And the article in full below:
“…and I’m not saying this one is a fake pandemic, because it isn’t…”
These graphs, if accurate, are impossible to explain IF the same Alleged SuperVirus went on a World Murdering Rampage which required lockdowns and "emergency medical countermeasures"
JUN 04, 2024
Promo Code: Jessica Hockett
"...And then it just goes a bomb."
3 AUGUST 2023
I’m just going to point out something that SHOULD be obvious.
Anyone who wants to get the the truth of the Mass Formation Event of 2020 would be anxious to unpack this impossible “bomb” pandemic.
And ask if the graphs are accurate and if not, explain why.
And if they are accurate, why did the same SuperAntigen not have a death spike in EVERY JURISDICTION (i.e. the world) that the alleged SAME PATHOGEN ATTACKED.
And why the numbers shot down to baseline, never to go up again.
And how the SuperAntigen was supposedly spreading all the way back into 2019, but waited until it was given permission to “pandemic” and then did so in two cities and then POOF! back down to baseline deaths
“…and I’m not saying this one is a fake pandemic, because it isn’t…”
And thus you understand Shitty Poker Player Evergreen Boy’s look of chagrin.
Clumsy Bobby got dangerously close to what actually hebbbenned.
Heather Gessling treated 1500 "COVID-positive" patients with NO deaths. Pierre Kory, why were all of your patients dying slowly of "COVID, COVID, COVID"?
19 MAY
"Hospitals Overwhelmed by Pandemic Patients Are Treating Them in Tents"
January, 2007: "Faith in Quick Test (PCR) Leads to Epidemic That Wasn't"
21 APR
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Bergamo high death count in Spring 2020: jabs were not available until the end of 2020. it was the Spring of 2021 when large numbers of people were taking them. So that first tweet in the article, it's not implying that the jabs caused the spike in deaths. What is the implication of that tweet?