Shifting Immunoglobulins (IgG) proportions – low IgG3 and high IgG4 responsible for increased child RSV infections (and others) from C19 mRNA BOOSTED PARENTS
Spotted this article whilst surfing – thought it worth a “share”.
The trainwreck of all trainwrecks: Billions of people stuck with a broken immune response – Rintrah
It’s from a Dutch perspective. The author describes himself as “I’m an anonymous Dutch college dropout with a predilection for obscure psychedelics” and is a strong believer in AGW (I am not – I believe that mankind can find solutions to problems without creating more of them). Having said that, he/she/it exhibits a sharp intellect and competence in addressing this area.
Whoa!!! “Vaccinated” parents are infecting their kids?
“With the spike based vaccines, we have done the exact worst thing you could possibly do: We homogenized the human immune response, to a new virus that is rapidly becoming more genetically diverse.”
“..the massive surge in RSV that Western nations are seeing, is a consequence of vaccinated adults now beginning to tolerate RSV, thus leading to a jump in infections in children, as they’re exposed to it more often. With children now getting these infections from vaccinated adults rather than from other children, the infectious dose they receive will tend to be higher. This could be sufficient to explain the higher virulence observed in children.”
“The complete IgG4 shift only happens after breakthrough infections after the booster shot. In other words, the non-SARS2 viruses have not had much time yet, to evolve to adjust to the brave new world we now live in, where everyone is stuck with a strange subset of IgG4 antibodies for certain epitopes.”
This comment stood out for me – right at the end of the article:
“Subunit influenza vaccines (i.e. not live vaccines) showed a clear 89% reduction in risk of a severe SARS-COV-2 infection.”
References this pre-print study (stuck there since May 2022?):
Looks like the CDC is already priming the market for big pharma to swoop in with yet another “vaccine” to add to the schedule. I wonder if it already knew that the mRNA injections would cause RSV in children. Quite frankly, at this stage I would not put it past them.
RSV in Infants and Young Children | CDC
Here’s a primer on what IgG are and their prevalence – using Wikipedia here:
“Immunoglobulin G (Ig G) is a type of antibody. Representing approximately 75% of serum antibodies in humans, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in blood circulation.”
“IgG is the main type of antibody found in blood and extracellular fluid, allowing it to control infection of body tissues. By binding many kinds of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, IgG protects the body from infection.”
Ok, with that out of the way, let’s dive in.
From the article:
“After mRNA vaccination the immune response against Spike is shifting to IgG4, which is how your body responds after repeat exposure to stuff it needs to tolerate, like bee venom, pollen or peanut proteins.”
Here is a chart that shows what “you want to see” after a C19 infection.
“Left you see who does the neutralization, right you see what percentage of total antibodies they are. Despite being just 3% of your antibody mass, IgG3 is carrying out 42.2% of the neutralization.”
However, for the Netherlands,
“..the population isn’t learning to force this virus into the background. The death toll is rising in unison with the viral load, because the excess mortality is not a direct product of the vaccine, it is an indirect product of the vaccine interfering with our response to this virus:”
“We have a big wave of deaths in march 2020, then we had two deadly winters, so excess mortality is now supposed to be negative. We already “ran out” of the people who would die during the flu season. Yet 27% more people died than you would expect last week.”
The claim is that the “vaccine” is not directly causing excess mortality, but the “vaccine” is interfering with the immune response. Around about here I am looking for the outturn post injection of the chart above.
“After the second shot, IgG4 begins to show up. This gets worse with the breakthrough infections, then it gets worse again with the third shot. Now we have updated findings from breakthrough infections after the third shot. And this will shock you, but it gets worse again:”
The findings were first published here on 25 November 2022 (updated on 22 December 2022):
Full table referenced in that article here:
1excessbreakthroughsweet1.jpg (707×825) (
Abridged table focussing on areas highlighted by the author below (note the term “donor” to represent individuals with breakthrough infections.
“On average, the four who had a breakthrough infection after their booster are now at 42.45% IgG4. The cohort as a whole is at 19.27%, up from just 0.04%, so the ones who haven’t had a breakthrough infection yet will end up at a similar position: A response that is entirely IgG4 dominated.”
I think that “up from 0.04%” is a typo and should read 4%. Of note: “They saw we don’t respond to RSV with an IgG4 response.”
“You just don’t want to see an IgG4 response to a respiratory infection. Out of the IgG’s, it’s mainly IgG3 and some IgG1 you want to see.”
“..two problems:
The virus evolves. It rapidly evolves to avoid the most neutralizing antibodies. Neutralizing potential against XBB and BQ.1 is basically gone.
IgG4 isn’t really meant for neutralization. Out of the IgG’s, IgG3 is the excellent virus neutralizer. What IgG3 does in the case of SARS2, is that they have their tails bind together. This means that out of all the four subclasses, IgG3 is showing 50-fold stronger neutralization than the other three subclasses against SARS2.”
Anyone know how to stimulate lots more IgG3 antibodies? There must be a “vaxx for that” from big pharma right?
XBB.1.5 is the variant that is dominating variants circulating in the US (40.5%), XBB less so (3.6%).
Here is the “uh oh” point from the article.
“There is some IgG3 left in some people after the second shot, but by the time they get the third shot, they’re all universally down to a flat zero.”
Oh dear.
Now, check out these comments about the chart below these comments:
“You see the unvaccinated immune response in A at the bottom. You see that it’s pretty different in everyone.
You see the immune response of the vaccinated at the top. You see it’s rather similar in everyone, with distinct regions that receive the strongest response.”
“A homogeneous population-wide shift towards IgG4 for certain antibodies, can end up impacting our relationship to respiratory viruses other than SARS2 as well. You could expect for example, that vaccinated people may become better asymptomatic spreaders of other respiratory viruses, like RSV..”
So, there you have it. Unintended consequences beyond the obvious C19 mRNA injections from the “pure” product and the adulterated product from shoddy manufacturing with no quality controls for the step-up from tens of thousands to billions of doses or quality control and monitoring of storage and administration of doses. C’est la guerre.
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Are you able to point me to any studies that show vaccinated kids having significantly reduced IGG months after their first two injections? IGM and IGA in line. Experiencing constant sicknesses. I do not see IgG3 and IgG4 separated on the blood tests. Do those need to be tested separately?
All of this says (in my mind): Anyone with 2 injections and breakthrough infections has a compromised immune system. Anyone with 3 or more injections has a compromised immune system. All of which means that nearly everyone who has been injected will be among the sick, dying or dead in the next couple years.