Thanks PH. Of course nothing whatsoever to do with poopooing Hunter's laptop being beyond a smoking gun!

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Morell + Blinken = “the adults are back in charge”


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RFK has the political 'genetics', long background in seeing what's up. I don't find him very REACTIVE, but seems balanced.

I like he's democrat, makes it easier for dems to vote.

I hope they see through Trump, you know about his personal loan

due May, '24. Nobody'd loan him a penny!!

I'm not against him, but think he'd hurt US.

He likely knows who he'd bring on board.

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The ends, justify the means -- always with people who are only interested in power and control.

Party makes no difference when it comes to keeping their grip on power.

“The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.” - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) circa 1960s

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The dems will "Bernie Sanders" RFK Jr in the primaries. Running on the dem ticket will not work. The left supports vaccine mandates too so.....

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Probably. And the press corps will do its assigned tasks. They've already started.


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